WaB. Treasure hunt (Patreon)
In the next update as the continuation on the "Lost Delivery" quest Iss will be offering small jobs on finding specific treasures in the dungeons. If Krowly will agree on the job the game will choose the item and generate the quest. When Krowly will find the treasure during the hunt Iss will buy it in a full price (two times more then Sebastian) give you small amount of EXP and relationship boost (it will open new scenes with her in the future). Also if the item won't be very valuable Iss would feel an obligation to give Krowly free titfuck as a bonus :D
It's simple quest, but I wanted to make it repeatable and easily expandable. If I would decide to add new item the only thing I would need to do is to add it's number to the second line of this script and the game will do everything else by itself, including the dialogues on both languages :) Super happy about it.
Generic quests like this aren't very exciting, but I want the player to have something more to do as a part of Krowly's routine. Let me know what do you think :)