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Trying to figure out of how Old man Jason could be looking in game (Agneshka's husband).  Two sketches on the top I did with the pencil, and two on the bottom are digital.

It's not the poll but you can share your thoughts :) I added numbers so it will be more easy to refer to them. 

In the previous post I asked about possible questions that could be ansewered by ingame books, and many of you requested more info about the village, vilagers and Krowly's family. It would be kinda strange if Krowly would found a book about his mom and dad, but I have an Idea that Jason could be a source of the info about the story of the vilage, and vilagers. But maybe not all his stories could be true. His memory isn't so good after all.




I like 2 and 4 the best but all 4 are awesome


Personally, I think 3 looks best. He looks old but is easy on the eyes. Though I don't know if you plan to include him in any scenes in future releases, I think this model would be best.... personally.


I think I like the headshape of 3 with 2's mustache


My question would be: How old is Old Jason? 3 and 4 are a bit younger imo, while 1 and 2 are definitely older. If his mind is a bit slippy, something like 1 does match him better, otherwise 2 would fit quite a bit!


I like 4 the mustache is glorious


Long eyebrows making him look wise but at the same time saying he had boobs like krowly when he was young xD


He looks amazing, maybe he could seem more asleep? Like he needs to do an effort to pay attention, remember things or talk to you? And in the same way apport information but not as clear as krowly would like... maybe like if he were living on its mindings and needed to reconnect to reality when u talk to him... idk just brainstorming 😃 🙂


this might be an unpopular opinion but I actually really like how he looks now. The diet Master Roshi look really fits in the game and while he does look less detailed than most characters, i think it is extremely fitting to have 1 "joke character" which is a role he so far fits pretty well.


oh and you mentioned it being weird to have a book about Krowleys family, it wouldn't be too strange for us to find a journal of some kind. In fact, why not have Krowley's sister have a journal sitting in her room?


4 больше походит на весёлого деда и комедийного персонажа. И он похож на отставного военного, по-моему. А 3 выглядит более спокойным и рассудительным. 2 - это строгий дед ворчун. А 1 по-моему, выглядит злым.

Kevin Daley

3 or 4 make him look like he’s in his 60-70 instead of 90. If we ever fuck the dude I don’t want him dying on me after all.


Yep,, I made this one as a safe variant, that I won't be struggling too much with If I will decide to add scenes with him and some of the girls


I'm not sure, that's why I did several variants of his face before starting the work on his illustration. I usually don't do this :) He isn't super old, he still running farm after all


I see what you you are talking about, but NTR isn't really a direction I want to go to. I thought he could have fantasies about younger girls from the village, like Astra or Alice


Thanks! Yeah, maybe :) I will think about how something like this could be shown in his dialogues


I think 4 looks amazing for him, but I'd give him to beard from number 2. So he has a moustache and beard that are awesome PS. thinking bout elders, I think it would be awesome having a old man like Gandalf that gets all the young chicks trough mind control tricks :O NotJason tho

Kenneth Winkelman

You can't go wrong with a good mustache!


I understand it, but right now he uses standart portrait form the RPG Maker VX Ace. To me it means that he doesn't have any illustration at all. Yes I know that any new illustration could look like "not him". But peaple told me this when I added illustrations for Alice, Carla, Juliette and other characters. I think only Fina didn't have this problem, but maybe it's becouse her first portrait was actually male character (I didn't know that he is a man) :D


It's a popular this in RPGs, but I hardly see Jill writing a journal :) I'm planning to use some letters that Fina receiving and some other stuff. LIke for example a portrait of the queen - when Krowly sees it he could tell a few words about their kingdom.


Имхо первый похож на Распутина, а второй на кардинала :D


Not sure if it will work together, but we will see :) Oh, no, mind control isn't my thing for sure. Don't want it to be in game :)


1 and 2 look closest to his current model in the game, though I understand that it was just a placeholder model. Still, 3 and 4 just don't look right to me for an old man in a remote village in the wilderness. 3 and 4 look more like a wealthy old man in a big city. I agree with Idler, though, that 1 looks like a villain. So I would definitely vote for 2, if this was a poll. Edit: Also, I always assumed that Old Man Jason's age was somewhere between 75 and 80. I think 2 looks close to that age. And as for him still being young enough for fucking, there was talk about him needing Krowly to fetch a potion for him to enable sex, so with a magic potion involved, I don't think his age is really a factor.


Haha knew mind control wasn't ur thing :P just couldn't stop from asking


damn, you are right, she seems a little air headed or scatter brained to keep up with a journal. that being said I think it would make it a lot more interesting to read lol. Imagine if our only reliable source of family history comes from the off handed notes written by the bimbo sister!


Hello There ! They are great but I choose number 4 bcoz him looks like retired warrior, the other seems like elder's wizard, also he says in the game that he was an adventurer.

Te Tule



I still haven't decided how exactly old Jason is. I mean, look at Agneshka, she looks a lot younger that she was no her placeholder illustration. :)


Hi! Thank you :) Yeah, I'm not sure yet about what "class" Jason is/was. He mentioned magic, but it doesn't have to be more that just his interest


I always assumed that Agnieszka was about 70 years old, based on her face and the fact that her hair has gone totally grey. I mean, Helen Mirren is 75, and she looks to be close to Agnieszka's age. Meryl Streep is 71. And for male celebrities in their 70s, Sam Elliot is 76. Sylvester Stallone is 74, and he's still doing action films. Michael Gambon, who played Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies, is 79, and he's still kind of spry for an old guy. I have trouble imagining either Agnieszka or Jason as younger than 65, but maybe that's just me.