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In the last version of the game Lizzy has a chance to help Krowly in battle by randomly healing him. It can be helpful but since you can't affect the chance you can't relly on this.

For a while I was thinking about how to change it. Making Lizzy into a party member sounds obvious but I really don't  want to make her a meat shield for Krowly. It would change too much in game.

So I'm experimenting with Krowly could use his monstergils help as the abilities in battles. If Lizzy is with him he will get a healing ability. Meril will provide a big debuff for the enemies, if Krowly knows how to summon her. 

Each time you use their abilities it will cost 1 SP. SP is Sperm Points for Lizzy, and Soul Points for Meril. If monstergirls have no SP they won't be able to help Krowly. To recharge their SP you will need to feed them ^^

You can check SP by talking to monstergirl while being under en effect of the Mind Reading spell.

Also now you can use Lizzy's heal outside the battle, and have sex with Meril as many times a day as you have Lust for. Previously it was 1 time per day thing.

I also made so they will gain EXP every time they use their skills. Later I think they will be able to level up to gain new abilities. Or maybe Krowly will have to do something to help then get new skills .

Let me know what do you think :)




A really nice idea. That way Krowly would gain some diversity but without having to make him into like a ultra powerful entity, as the monster girls will be the one to give him those new skills, I really like it. He'll become something like mage/monster tamer. And of course, adding new scenes to develop the monster girls also gives you the chance to make them have more presence in the game. I really want to see how you end up implementing this, keep up the good work.


Ok this is awesome, nice call buddy, would be nice if we got to do a "mini-quest" to unlock the new abilities that they may learn but it's totally up to you.


Возможно, это будет запарно. Но было бы круто получить возможность откармить Лиззи, что бы она стала полнее, а сиськи больше. По достижении 10 SP, например. И в утолщенном состоянии например ее способности бы вдвое усиливалась, но и становилась бы в 2 дороже.


Для Мерил была бы полезная способность снимать похоть прямо в бою. В бою с некотороми было бы очень актуально. Возможно это также может работать как молитва или святая магия, поэтому Мерил например может возвращать похоть Кроули после боя в удвоенном размере.


Loving this idea, I'm happy you're experimenting with ways to expand on the gameplay mechanics like this.


Love it, give more reasons to feed Lizzy and Meril :D


Cool idea! Would this mean that we would get more monster girl companions?


Хорошая идея, и потенциал роста и именно абилки.

boobsgames (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-16 07:52:11 Thank you! It's a good point :) It also match the theme of him being a warlock. I don't know much about D&D but I think the warlocks are more like summoners. I agree, it could add the context for more scenes with them
2020-12-28 12:30:51 Thank you! It's a good point :) It also match the theme of him being a warlock. I don't know much about D&D but I think the warlocks are more like summoners. I agree, it could add the context for more scenes with them

Thank you! It's a good point :) It also match the theme of him being a warlock. I don't know much about D&D but I think the warlocks are more like summoners. I agree, it could add the context for more scenes with them


Maybe :) For now I want to make sure that this thing will be working in the context of the game before adding more unlockable skills


Звучит забавно :) Я думал что Лиззи может менять форму для определенных сцен, возможно это можно совместить с твоей идеей


Я думал о подобном (без возвращения), но не уверен пока.


Thank you! No plans for now. I have idea for one monstergirl for Krowly but she won't be about the battles if I will add her


i still cant believe the BUTT BANDITS dont have a sex scene yet


Do you mean the unique one? They have a sex scene, but the illustration is a bit overused :D Or do you mean the scene where Krowly would fuck one of them?