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A rare sketch for possible future girl on girl scene :) Could be used for goblingirls, for Alice with Astra, or for somebody else. 

Which of the girls do you think will look good together? ^^




тубадизм смотриться отлично может применить к 2-м шаманкам-гоблиншам?


Чтобы получилось восемь сисек на картинке? Может быть интересно :D


There a scene with Juliette and futa Fina so a scene with Juliette and Jenna or Carla, but I also want to see more of the super boobs she-elf friends of Melissa.


хорошо когда автор понимает подписчика с полуслова (¬‿¬ )

Mark Piper

Gotta second Juliette and Jenna! ...Also Fina and Astra because I like it like that.


Есть ещё змея с 4 сиськами. Может, сделать её и шаманшу-гоблиншу? Количество сисек останется 4, но змея могла бы пройти своим хвостом между ног шаманше (в позе как выше) и оплести её выше пояса, возможно, и между грудей :D


Sister Elizabeth for the love of god.

Idler (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 12:56:16 1. Jenna & Sister Elizabeth - A nun helps Jenna with her lust. 2. Jenna & Astra - Lol It's shoud be fun. Good relations between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. 3. Jenna & Taisha - friendly sex. 4. Julietta & Alice - You know 5. Julietta & Jill - They shoud looks hot together. 6. Julietta & Taisha 7. Rayna & Jill - swordman-blacksmith relarionships
2021-07-07 18:08:15 1. Jenna & Sister Elizabeth - A nun helps Jenna with her lust. 2. Jenna & Astra - Lol It's shoud be fun. Good relations between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. 3. Jenna & Taisha - friendly sex. 4. Julietta & Alice - You know 5. Julietta & Jill - They shoud looks hot together. 6. Julietta & Taisha 7. Rayna & Jill - swordman-blacksmith relarionships

1. Jenna & Sister Elizabeth - A nun helps Jenna with her lust. 2. Jenna & Astra - Lol It's shoud be fun. Good relations between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. 3. Jenna & Taisha - friendly sex. 4. Julietta & Alice - You know 5. Julietta & Jill - They shoud looks hot together. 6. Julietta & Taisha 7. Rayna & Jill - swordman-blacksmith relarionships


If Fina and Astra is not an option (It should be.), then I would go for Alice and Astra, or for Jill and Astra, or Jill and Fina.

Piter Kozak

боевые монашки, с привлечением сестры и матери настоятельницы. Эдакие перекормленные и перекаченные небесные ласточки


No promises about Astra and Fina for now :) Love the idea of Sandra and Velena, they would look very hot together ^^


Sister Elizabeth with Jenna is a nice idea :) Not sure about Jill and Juliette. I would more easily imagine her with Carla, but I'm not sure if this sketch will match them


Мне нриавтся как это "перекормленные и перекаченные" звучит :D


Поэтому я не включил его в свой список) Вообще все идеи сцен с Карлой которые мне приходят в голову как-то связаны с её бидонами.


IIe4eHbka, не уверен что такая поза сработает для змеи :D

Ozrin Stelmaria

Definitely Alice an Astra! Especially if they could have "covered in" varients with a possibilty for after Krowly "blessed" them, seeing girl on girl covered like that would be awesome. I'd also like to second more opportunities with Melissa and her friends. Maybe even more scenes and options when she uses the breast expansion potion, there was a tease hint to future fun reference that I think would be an amazing addition