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Variants of the illustration with Eric, Jaina and Krowly threesome but with feminine Eric. Slimmer waist, thicker tights, hair, boobs and lips.

5 Erica's scene left :)




Will Eric have a spa scene in the future?


Probably. I don't have specific idea yet, but it would be nice for him to have one


Jaina doesn't seem the type to take it up the ass, but I guess Erik/Erica is a pretty good distraction. ;)


digging the scenes! can't wait to see how far the whole erika bit will go.

Black Mage

I agree, but also because of that, seeing Jaina taking it makes this whole scene way hotter imo

IIe4eHbka (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-27 16:48:11 > This game is beautiful, I cannot love it even more. > BG: Releases an update.
2021-11-21 13:15:40 > This game is beautiful, I cannot love it even more. > BG: Releases an update.

> This game is beautiful, I cannot love it even more. > BG: Releases an update.


BG like always great work and i wanna ask do we get in future some scene more with jaina like we use her tits and fucks her and not she krowly so maybe we change and fucks her in the spa and jenna watch it and start then sucking jainas dick how would be this?


А как же варианты без грудей, причёски, без Кроули и т.д?


It's hotter cause even though she like pleasure she's like the dominant type. I want to see more of her in the receiving end maybe with the huge dick potion she will be less dominant towards Krowly maybe Fina do something like she do with Astra with her and Fina end up dominating her.


Hot! Do you plan to change the dialogues to better reflect Erica?


А, ладно я в декабре сам отрендерю.


Вопрос, сможет ли Кроули как нить впечатлить и отдоминировать Джайну? А то какая то слишком боевитая она и властная) И да, Арт Хорош!


Jaina enjoys taking it in the ass too, with the right person and in the right situation :) We will get a scene or two int he future where Krowly is fucking Jaina in the ass


I'm planning to add scene where Krowly fucks Jaina in the ass, yes. Maybe her tits too


BG how a nice scene where krowly jenna and jaina all three toghter fucks or maybe you come in and caught jenna fucking eric/a and when you both already so far you can join and have fun with both hehe


Добавил, но теперь это очень большая куча


Сцена где Кроули трахает Джайну есть в планах, да :)


You've been busy