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Second version with some adjustments to the torso and proportions. Plus experiments with the haircut. I have tried different styles, but I think I like the initial one the most. I will probably go with this one for now. If I will decide to change it later - it shouldn't be too hard.

You can share your thoughts and ideas, but this one isn't a poll, and I will make the decision by myself :P



Kawaii poni

Да здесь все версии хороши


She cute af


Doing gods work as always. Love the tummy 😍


she looks breathtaking, i like 5 hairstyle. Her tummy looks yummy and also Krowly needs to fill that yummy tummy 😍

Black Mage

i like all of this tbh. looking forward to seeing her in game


Третий сверху мне больше нравиться.

Gaston B.

Love the body! I like the long hair to the side the most (upper 4th pic)

Licorice Lain

So this is the mommy we have heard so much about


I'm hopping for her give us a great introduction in the plot. About the hair top 3rd and 4th was, for me, the best.


I love the change in nipple placement, now it's perfect!


i see some nice hairstyles for her which would makes her really the hottest milf


She needs that long ass MILF hair.

tony hernandez

Sorta reminds me of Eric's mom Which isn't a bad But I can't unsee it


Can she have a lock of hair of another color, like white, please :3


Так-то лучше. Что касается причёски, если ты хочешь оставить короткие волосы, мне кажется лучший вариант это вторая в верхнем ряду. Она более объёмная по сравнению с похожими, должна гармоничнее смотреться с остальными окружностями тела.


Если говорить о распущенных длинных, то я бы выбрал вторую в нижнем ряду, т.к. они больше похожи на волосы Джилл. А если говорить о собранных волосах, то пятая в верхнем ряду.


By the way, does she need a name or have you already chosen one?


Вторая с низу


YES!! BIG TITTIES!! Tho, they could be even bigger :P


I love the design, it just doesn't feel like the hair goes with the rest of her. Her stance and dress make her look kind of sophisticated, she should have something that matches it like the top middle or top left hair styles.


I like the second from the top right hairstyle the best. Her nipples are sitting pretty high ad to the sides, I think they would look better a bit lower, closer to the middle/straight ahead.


1 and 3 from the top row and 2 from the bottom row are my favorites


To me nipples looked better lowered given she's older.


i know it would be hard to edit but if the naked version had her boobs hang a little lower than in the clothing ^^


what her hairstyle should be is up to you, she'd rock all of them, tho i personally love short hair milfs^^


I've always thought hair buns on older women are sexy


I like the hair that looks like Triss Merigold, if that's how it's supposed to look.


Пока я продолжу с той прической что на скетче, а там псмотрим :)


Существует ли вероятность, что фигура мамки Краули будет ближе к Фине т.е. более худой?


Нет, мне нравится то как она сейчас выглядит. У нас много стройных бимбо в игре, я хочу чтобы она была пышной бимбо ^^


Amazing design. But maybe have the nipple in the middle? Thanks.


I think green would be better. Just like Jill's and Krowlies. White can be for Krowly's step grandma in the future lol. Thanks.


It's too fat. Big breast ,slim waist like Jenna hairstyle is... The first one from the top or... I want the third one from the top.

that was a close one

Can you make her hard to get? A bit off reluctance in some of these scenes woluld be great. I like the granny script for this reason. Maybe even a few illusion spells could spice things up with not only the mother but also with other girls.

that was a close one

Also you should make her boobs look like there natural. These ones look like implants. You did a great job with the granny's tits. Those looked real.