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I'm receiving messages from people who can't see posts that they are supposed to see. It started today. I think it's a temporary problem with patreon itself but I don't know for sure. 

This is a public post. Please, let me know if you can see it, and if you can see my other nonpublic posts (if you have an active subscription)

Solution: people are letting me know that after unsubscribing and subscribing they are able to see the posts and leave comments.

Решение: если посты не видны и не дает писать комментарии, то должно помочь отписаться и подписаться заново

UPD: Patreon support told me that they received a number of reports from other creators about this problem and will be working on it

UPD2: The issue should be solved. Patreon run a script to fix it, and the support team is asking me if somebody can confirm that they get back the access to the posts. Most of you probably just did unsub/sub fix, but if somebody haven't done it before and gained back the access to the post just now, please, let me know



If you can't leave a comment too, you can write me a message here or on twitter: https://twitter.com/boobsgames


People are reporting that they can't leave the comments too. I have contacted the patreon, hope they will respond soon


Seems like when you removed the tiers or payment for the free month it also sort of removed me from being a patron. Profile had no option for "my membership" but was able to get back by hitting the join option on another post. But yes, can see this message, had to do that other thing to see the post from april 1st


OK the way I fix it was unsubing and then resubcribe.


Thank you! Patreon had some issues with payments processing yesterday, maybe it's connected somehow.


Так, я обновил платеж и заработало.


I have sent a message with the fix to everybody, sorry if you will receive it twice




Test test.


Unsubscribing and subscribing worked for me, hopefully the issue gets fixed quickly


I can see it. Seems to work :) Я вижу это. Кажется, работает :)


I see it


After seeing this post, I checked what I could see & I could no longer see private posts. I cancelled my subscription & restarted it. I can now see the private posts.


unsubbed, subbed and we're back^^


Oh yeah, well known issue that patreon should've fixed long time ago 😖


Unsubbed and subbed again. Glad to see you will get your deserved money again


Всё работает исправно, всё видно.

Kris Smith

Couldn't comment. Unsubbed and subbed again. Appears to have cleared it up.


Cancelling membership and then becoming a member again has solved the issue for me.

Colin T.

You can also just up the ante on your Patreon payment, instead of unsubbing and resubbing. If you have the budget, that is.


Yeah, had to unsub and resub to see posts again.

No Thanks

had the same issue, but unsub/resub cleared it up

K P Jeanes

Yeah, that was weird but worked for me as well.


Patreon support told me that they received a number of reports from other creators about this problem and will be working on it

A Name Apart

I am now seeing all your posts. I did NOT have to unsubscribe and re-subscribe.


Glad to hear that. I wonder if it means that the problem is solved on the patreon side

Adam Jeranek

Yeah, I can see both public and sub posts.


Приветствую! Все сообщения видны, комментарии могу оставлять и читать, не делал отписку/подписку. Единственное, что смутило данное сообщение не попало на общую стену видно только если перейти по ссылке в письме с электронки! P.S. Добавлю, возможно будет важно, что сделал отписку/подписку до возникновения указанной проблемы, ориентировочно около месяца назад, когда возникли проблемы с оплатой подписки с помощью карты!

Christopher DeHart

No issues at this point. They seem to have fixed it.


Made un/sub, it helped!


I never did the un/sub, everything seems to be working fine for me!

Name (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-10 20:23:40 had to unsub & resub, but everything's ok now
2022-04-08 06:23:42 had to unsub & resub, but everything's ok now

had to unsub & resub, but everything's ok now