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  • Goblin physics.mp4



Here I'm playing with breasts physics in unreal 5. I made a busty goblin character in addition to Krowly and added some jiggling boobs to her. For the science, of course. 

I'm not changing WaB to Unreal 5 :D I was just having some fun with it and thought you might be interesting in some thick goblins. Hope you don't mind these posts from the time to time

Youtube link 


Goblin physics



Ну, в далёком будущем мы походу увидим ААА игру с Н контентом,а я и не против. Н игры тоже заслуживают место под солнцем.

Etranor (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-09 05:32:44 Always interested in some thick goblins.
2022-05-17 13:37:48 Always interested in some thick goblins.

Always interested in some thick goblins.


Won't catch me complaining about these posts


Never too much thickness!

Christopher DeHart

Love it! Never too much gobbo goodness lol. I appreciate you sharing the experimentation process regardless of what comes from it, thanks.


Не думаю что мои попытки потянут на ААА, но уже существуют прилично выглядящие проекты :) типа Wild Life и т.п.