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Just a fun quick sketch :) Could become a fun wholesome scene between Astra and Alice, or Jill and Astra, or maybe even Jill and busty Krowly :D 




I think busty Krowly and Jill would fit perfectly in this scene. Jill would definitely seduce Krowly that way I think


All of those idea at once


Alice anvs Astra need more interaction, seems like they don't talk much. Maybe some bonding would help 🤔🤔


Or Astra who get measured by her mom if there is another growth spurt in her daughters titties...


Jill gropes Busty Krowly sounds excellent.


Tbh i think Astra needs more content you can only do so much with her. 😔

ASovereigns (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 13:01:59 A friendly morning grab from Krowly's step sister nice
2022-07-22 17:38:18 A friendly morning grab from Krowly's step sister nice

A friendly morning grab from Krowly's step sister nice


That is the way: Bigger is always better and every potion, spell or what ever caused small tits grew into huge orbs of flesh is welcome^^


Astra grabbing Fina in a drunk mood as a prequel to the recently added scene where they're comparing?


honestly i think this would be super fun to maybe be like a revolving scene where jill just gets super drunk and grabs a random girls boobs in the bar on the topless day. obviously that would be a ton of work to do but i think it would awesome haha.


Could be fun, but we just got a similar scene between them :)


She is among the characters with the most scenes in game :) Have you seen all her scenes? She has handjob, titfuck, hottdogging, anal, facial, facefuck, butt showing, masturbation, anal, and breasts compering scenes


It would be hard to make it work - Astra is already sucking on Eric's dick right before this scene :D


I also had a thought that Jill groping Sister Elizabeth in the church could be fun :D


Yes, a Breast Growing Flu...without any vaccine for shrinking them back...^^


Might be on another day whrn Astra returns from the pub drunk and Astra acting embarassed but curious the next day? The leading into the other scene the night she sucks Eric.


Perhaps Astra playing with Eric's boobs?


yeah, I want them to have some scenes with each-other, not necessary too sexual