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Illustrations for the scene under waterfall that won two recent polls :) Busty Krowly and other variants will take some time




Я вот не знаю, это получается я ой или же если учитывать вариации с грудью и т.д,то ю ри или как? Трап ами что ли? Всё сложно, но мне это и нравится. P. S Фильтр цензуры не даёт в полной мере выразить мысль.


Amazing can't wait to have this in game


I want to know if Juliet is watching and going to join in.... XD. Good work!


It would also be a great idea if Eric/Erica played his tits on him while he was being fucked (if the player wanted to)

John Smith

I love it. I hope that you will make an alternate or a different scene with Krowly penetrating Eric/Erica in the future.


Love it, can't wait to see it in-game (and the alt versions) :3


I would like the chance for Krowley to take a shower by himself sometimes, so that this scene doesn't have to happen only on Thursdays. Rose needs to let other people take a shower too.


bless busty boys


Really, if you give the option to feminize krowly more, it will be amazing, especially if you add the juicy lips and long hair in krowly's titjob drawing (the one he gives to eric in the tavern (which I already love)) i really love your work


This is so beautiful 🥲♥️

Stephen Trout (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 13:22:37 This is so hot! I love it! <3
2022-08-21 18:04:01 This is so hot! I love it! <3

This is so hot! I love it! <3

ADLegend21 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 13:18:09 we stan bi kings fucking under a waterfall &lt;3
2022-08-21 18:58:35 we stan bi kings fucking under a waterfall <3

we stan bi kings fucking under a waterfall <3


"it's not gay if he's cute" xD я думаю лучше просто с терминологией не заморачиваться)


Thanks! I think I'd rather had a separate scene with Krowly fucking Eric then a variant of this one :)


Maybe :) Village has like 4 waterfalls, it doesn't have to be the one occupied by Rose


Nah, sorry, not plans for this. It would be terrible amount of work to make all the variants of every scene with Krowly visible :) I want to finish the game some day


More of this and please make eric more muscled again :)


please add more text to the gay scenes with the orcs it only has like 2 lines