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Hey guys!

I tried on my new Pleaser boots..OH MY 😮 think they may be a new favourite!! What do you think? Different from the normal shiny shiny ones.

Lost my leather skirt! I'm gutted. Though I think leather looking pants are the new skirt! I wasn't sure until I tried it on. DAMN! They blend in the boots so well!!

I'm in love.🖤 I have a few ideas on what to use them with, for you guys!! Watch this space.💋




Lovely boots! Great look!


I'm a lover of boots and they are lovely boots and they look great with those leather trousers on your lovely legs. Can't wait to see what your creative genius comes up with 😍😍


I'm a boot lover too and these go way up my collection!! Ahhh, so excited for new work with these beauts


I love that outfit on you. You look amazing. :)


I like the red heels but I like this as well, you're making me indecisive 🤣


Could you imagine them in red 😮 oh wait they do!! Ahh we need to test that theory 😌

Cliffort Beauplan

Something about black leather pants, just amazing!


I am completely willing to help you test anything you want😊

Stephen Honeywill

Great outfit amazing how long your legs look in those pants


This outfit is so amazing