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Thought I would share today some behind the scenes making ☺

You guys always ask/intrigued to see how I make my latex garments, so here's some progress pics/step by step...

Started off drawing out my pattern on to non shiny side of latex...

Trans latex cut into strips, I added 1cm seam allowance to all.

Glued shoulder front and back together first. Then went on to installing zip, here's this in stages...

Make sure to coat both sides with copydex, wait to dry and add a layer of latex glue to seal latex to zip. Make sure to cut a strip off latex to seal back zip.

Next it's on to sleeves- start on one side, I like to use a cellotape roll to help stretch curved seams.

Both sides are done, now to conceal the whole dress! 🎉

Cut a strip of latex and glue all raw edges, this helps it from splitting.


Crop top, same mentioned here...

Last thing was adding the collar, can be tricky so used cellotape roll to help stretch latex.

Skirt, was a basic style, I made a pattern which was 1/3 of the skirt, flipped that both sides so I have an equal skirt...

Added a 2" strip of latex for the waist band.

Hope this helped ☺ or just found it interesting!

Love Daphne and Velma 😘



Paul Hancock

Wow thanks for sharing Charlotte, have you ever had anything fail on you 🤦‍♂️ ?


It just goes to show how much effort and skill goes into each outfit you make and the finished articles are always top notch. The fact you so many in such a short space of time is amazing I am in awe of your creative genius. Beautiful and multi-talented. 😍😍

Paul Hancock

How easy is it to get in and out of some of those outfits, some are seriously figure hugging, I’d imagine it can be a real challenge


That's amazing


That sounds complex but you make it look so easy

Richard Percival

Such a talent you have thank you for sharing.


Love Scooby Doo even more now. Love how you share the process too for making great outfits

Josh Gavrich

I’m in love with Daphne. She was always my favorite, but wow. 😍🔥