January Update 2! (Patreon)
Hey Everyone!
And now that i am back on the morphing game, here's a few thoughts on the schedule of this upcoming period :
This whole sequence took me about two weeks to create, where in the first place (meaning about a year ago) it would 've taken one, meaning that - despite me being able to operate my wrist and fingers in a satisfactory way - i am still on a recovery course that will keep me from overworking exaggerations and what i hoped to be a more productive comeback. In details, each morph consisting the sequence, takes about 8-10 hours to create, and i cannot push my wrist for more that 4-5 hours per day, resting breaks and stretches included. So as you can see, it takes me about 2 days to create a full image, meaning that in the case of a full sequence of 4-6 images i now need two weeks to full completion.
So for the next months, and while i still get the proper recovery and trying not to push my wrist too much, i will be producing 2 sequences (comic strips) and a pair of solo images (morphs+story) per month at best. Meaning that it's still not as a good as a full 4-comics per month production like i used to present, but i think it is still good production-wise, given the state of things. And of course i will keep monitoring the situation closely and i will keep you all updated on how things are going, hoping for improvements and the overall best.
The steady series of 'Angry Hands!' and 'FSDTRW' will be gradually re-inserted on the menu, after i go on a full round of 3-4 new sequences that i have in mind (including the Amber's one uploaded today) with full detailed polls and all that, so i will keep you all informed in good time!
Cheers to all and thank you so much for the warm welcoming!!!