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A vengeful incident of a woman having lost her boyfriend to a black haired hottie, an incident of a woman squashing, flattening and compressing that black haired hottie so as to persuade her that what she did was wrong!

Big game day on the basket-ball court, and Joyce approaches her co-player, raven-haired Deborah who is at the time doing her stretchings all bent down on the floor, and after a short argument Joyce presses the remote that sets her mechanism in action, a mechanism that she spent many hours setting for this specific moment, a mechanism consisting of a powerful metallic piston and a large glass panel, a mechanism that comes down and forcefully squashes Deborah flat on the court's floor, before Joyce then starts peeling her flattened prize off of it, with the intention of a very playful folding-away that will follow and will persuade Deborah against her thieving doings for good!


I can assume that my comeback has been labeled as a success - with two new sequences running and a double-character morph in two variations - thus completing my working potential for January. Two more new sequences will be introduced on February, one in the bull body inflation theme and one in the purplish fields of blueberry expansion, alongside another double-character morph.

The pattern of 2 sequence pages and one more complex solo morph per month, is what i will be hopefully producing for the next period since i am still in recovery and things are moving slower than before, but i will keep giving all my best efforts for the best outcomes, of course with added break-time for resting whenever i consider it necessary.

So thank you all again for the warm welcoming, keep an eye out for my updates and many more goodies are on their way!




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