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This month I I had the lucky chance to catch my collaborator and friend Jacob Ford for a conversation, which he very kindly offered to record. As such, we’re gonna take a break from writing in the confines of my own small, cramped mind to jump into far-reaching conversation we shared about museums, curation, community, civic practice, designing the "space" of the Telelibrary, and birds.

Fair warning: It's 52 minutes, which is both far longer than any of us would hope and unbelievably the result of a fair amount of editing already. I'm a big advocate of listening to things at 1.5-2x speed (or as my friends call it, "a monster"), but I'd love to hear from you: is long form content like this interesting? Or does my entire brand already strain the limits of permissible longwinded-ness?


User 86

I like things that I can listen to while folding laundry. :-)