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Hey hey

So Jonghyun's Livestream is tomorrow but I'm starting to prep for key's the week after. I would love your help on what you would like us to celebrate.
Btw not born to shine - that's coming in a different way 😉

Let me know your suggestions on what to watch




Personality: Kim Kibum being the most iconic idol on livestreams https://youtu.be/vH0lLu0neXE Kibum radiating Youtuber Energy https://youtu.be/6oRnOPi-x5A Kibum being done with SHINee for seven minutes straight: https://youtu.be/KBvlV0Ymkx8 Minho and Key being an Old married couple https://youtu.be/bKtsdFEFZmQ SHINee ending fairy compilation: https://youtu.be/RWqnDN1bD44 Vocals One of Those Nights MV: https://youtu.be/TZWSW90lybM Forever Yours MV https://youtu.be/BJUjR2N0aEM Chemicals Live https://youtu.be/PG4IlOYCZ4g Dance Roller Coaster good evening dance: https://youtu.be/Hwk9Ou7jA20 2x everybody dance https://youtu.be/Qbxqetha20Y Key Girl Group dances: https://youtu.be/8Vmqg0Woq7M


omg i've been waiting for this oneeee!! let's be honest, 2 hrs is probably not enough to get into that man's personality lol Personality: Key Know-how Ep 2 Key introduces his lover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya8KhiqGOhA Key Know-how Ep 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a53sC9LSzkI (this is part of his vlog series) Kibum being himself for 5 minutes straight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7a-GkpZkbY Kim Kibum from SHINee being famous for 13 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wtr-kwPHCSo Key being a fashion icon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijswOlGw8nI Taemin & Key being the most dramatic duo in kpop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha4IfnvrJmI Dance: I want to be MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E5JtAcc3cY Weekly Idol random dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJyPFccnKRU Born to shine (Yetti, it's time): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBouMUgf-MM Good good KEY SHOWCASE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v_UvvV67Mg Hologram from KEY LAND: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzEnIuvAkMY Vocals: Like a fire (A MUSSSTTT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDrWHvhuLxc One of those nights live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-9SD4ydRN8 Chemicals Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG4IlOYCZ4g Aside live @13 SHINee day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edhlwtzKoqw


Definitely please please please, the song LOVE with ENDING at the TOKYO Dome. It is the song plus the ending, not the song alone; a fan made the cut from the concert video. You will see a completely new side of Key and fully spontaneous behavior that it is not clear in the TV shows. This is the link to the song +ending (most videos only have the song). https://youtu.be/Y8WG38_l4Zg


Born to Shine hits different. But I still would love to see it happen in the live stream 😂

Robin Harris

Personality--Chicken among Swans-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kfHiHJxKtg and His contents with Jakeeout--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGwieywEGQ4; Any of the clips of him from musicals: Chess, Catch Me if You Can, Bonnie and Clyde, In the Heights, Zorro, etc.


for personality youll get to know him better with this. he explains how he became the fashion director for shinee, how he auditioned to become an idol, how he was always the least popular in shinee, etc... "A Chicken Who Can't Live As A Chicken is So Tragic" SHINee KEY #StreetMessenger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kfHiHJxKtg


Personality: His JTBC appearance where he talked about being a "chicken"...it's really good and inspirational and will let us understand how he dealt with his life being an idol and how he views himself.. please i really hope you can check it: "A chicken who can't live as chicken is so tragic..." https://youtu.be/-kfHiHJxKtg Key being Taemin's mom (and to SHINee) - we all know his sassy side. This is more on his caring side: https://youtu.be/Uz5CxSDlDK4 Dance: Key perfect in random play dance: https://youtu.be/3buu79pI3-A Performances: Hologram (from Keyland) https://youtu.be/nzEnIuvAkMY Born to Shine -I'd love to see you react to it but I guess I prefer you react and upload it separately instead of during the livestream.. just my take since I really want it to be on the spotlight lol!


Key Recommendations Personality, There are sooo many great compiltation videos and interviews for Key! - Key being a fashion icon - Kim Kibum being the most iconic idol on livestream - Key from SHINee Tells us about his first times (buzzfeed video) - Kibum radiating youtuber energy for 12 minutes - Taemin and Key being most dramatic english duo in kpop Vocals and Dance - Cold mv - Every teardrop is a waterfall (this is on KBS kpop channel, don’t know if that will be a problem or not) - SHINee, An ode to you, such a beautiful ballad. - SHINee World III, Like a Fire performance! Key doesn’t have too many lines at first but his adlibs at the end are AMAZING!! Dance - Lookbook Tokyo Dome, this is a cover of Boa's song who is Key’s idol! - Hologram from Keyland (on universal music japan youtube so not sure if it will cause issues but it's an incredible performance!) - Good Good, Key’s showcase - One of those Nights (kinda vocals and dance) - I Wanna Be, this was his title track on the repackaged album he gave us before he went to the military! Extra - I wasn’t sure what category this suggestion would fit lol but there is a Tokyo Dome stage called DJ Key where turned the stage into a fashion show and he was the DJ and he remixed some SHINee songs! It’s sooo cool.


Personality: Some livestream compilations cos he's really fun and I think his personality shines through: a CHAOTIC compilation of kibum on instagram live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PNdnhS4OdE Kibum Radiating Youtuber Energy for 12 minutes (funny livestream moments): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oRnOPi-x5A These are a few short clips of him on this reality show called "I live alone", it is a show of cos but generally it shows more of his lifestyle choices and i love it! Wise Homebody, Key [Home Alone Ep 388: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYLc2JZciOo What kind of a dog loves wearing clothes so much? [Home Alone Ep 388]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2IxJJ02XWs Vocals and Dance His solo stages <3 [Comeback Stage] KEY - One of Those Nights , 키 - 센 척 안 해 Show Music core 20181201: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVXWIkosY4g 210131 SHINee Key(샤이니 키) - Imagine(이매진): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Fr-4tXqBc SHINee Key - Lookbook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnG4lQjC32Y This is his collab stage with Girls Generation Tiffany, i personally like it cos of how musical-like the stage was ^^ TVPP Tiffany(SNSD) - Bang Bang (with Key), 티파니(소녀시대) - Bang Bang (with 키) @ 2013 KMF Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RVQK3mm20Y Not exactly Key's solo but he does really well in this song and well i love the other members here so much too, ok i just like this song and live stage haha but everyone really sounds SO GOOD! [HOT] SHINee - Don`t Let Me Go, 샤이니 - 투명 우산 Show Music core 20161022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AobsNlp7DBE Extra: last but not least are his dance covers of other groups! - He is famous for being able to memorise choreography and executing them super well. There are many compilations everywhere from since very early on, but these 3 are a three part compilation of his appearances on this show he is a permanent cast on called Amazing Saturday, and these are the most recent ones i.e. 2020-2021 after he got out of the army: Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz9DSNz32cQ&list=PLDJcDBnnKGddTwBpVs2-TbLAECd_JHB9f&index=48 Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmecaaZJoH8&list=PLDJcDBnnKGddTwBpVs2-TbLAECd_JHB9f&index=50 Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OTKsExAf0w&list=PLDJcDBnnKGddTwBpVs2-TbLAECd_JHB9f&index=51


I think reasons why i love key will be for personality https://youtu.be/O06wX02KvM8


https://youtu.be/O06wX02KvM8 sorry for commenting again but why i love key showcases his soft personality and how he is as a person. And why is he inspiring as well. So watch it on your own if not in live


Yetti, my favorite song from Key is Wanna be. the fashion is amazing and Key with a blond mullet.....