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Key and Minho's date and even getting hit on by British girls was everything I needed to see today. 


(No title)


Diana Alma

This is what I've been waiting for all week - Yasss 😍 will watch as soon as I finish preparing my classes for tomorrow 🤣 can't wait!


This series has been so enjoyable!! I can't wait till poor taemin gets to do stuff omg but I'm glad he's having fun. I'm a newer fan too so it's super fun to see the dynamic of key and minho instead of hearing about it. They really do have great chemistry together. Honestly I skip all those "personal camera" scenes like the one with minho and this one with taemin it just feels so cringey, maybe korean fans like it but it's just weird to me lol idk.


I'm so with you on the perso al camera, a little is OK but its getting creepy lol