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Hey guys! I have an appointment next week to try and see what's going on with my glasses and I'm looking around at new drawing tablets to replace my current one. TQ updates are going to be a little slow for a bit in the meantime and I apologize. I'm working on some other things that I can do almost entirely in Procreate while I try to get stuff sorted out. Thank you!



Jack Newbill

eHugs, Alli! Do what works best for you.

Erik Miller

So what in essence is she’s wanting to be judged for her skills and prowess and not for being a woman. Hm, I think she secretly knows that Zusufula was the preferred candidate for Six-Feathers and it rubs her wrong


You, being happy with new glasses and tablets! That! That's what I want!!!

Diana Kinikin

That is my favorite description of wanting to look beautiful and deadly

Mix Berkaan

Omg u just described my entire gender


For the record, Kazha would be stupid hot no matter the gender.


So what she's saying is her gender is A Threat


Hope things go well with your glasses and tablets! More than happy to wait on more pages! Really loving Kazhra on the last panel!