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The second part of the freehand tutorial for the Death Shroud terminators is uploading right now. It will be posted tomorrow.

Future plans for Mortarion at present will be one wing with  freehand which will be recorded on video and one wing which will be photographed for PDFs. I will also release a PDF and short video for how to prepare the wings by removing the details ready for freehand work.

While all of that is going on, I will be starting the Giant Snail from the Age of Sigmar Blight War box, which will hopefully be quite interesting.

One quick question, is anyone interested in my doing a PDF guide for painting Tabletop World buildings?  For anyone who isn't aware of them, here is a link:




would be cool to see what you do with a wizards tower, those are amazing!


Also very interested in seeing a tutorial on the buildings. I love the mood and atmosphere you give them and would like a chance to see the techniques used.


I'm just about to make a post regarding this, but I will be doing a Wizards Tower from Tabletop World as soon as it arrives.