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I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year!

Here is the first video of 2018 and it is the new, plastic Great Unclean One from Games Workshop. They sent me an early review copy so I thought it would be rude not to paint it!

I'll be posting more videos of it this coming week. 

In other good news, the Tabletop World Wizard Tower has arrived, so I will be starting that soon as well.

As you can see, there will be lots of cool videos coming this year, and with my new internet connection I can upload them quickly now!

I will also be uploading a video for the eye on the wing of Mortarion soon :D


Great Unclean One Black Hood

The first video of 2018 is the plastic Great Unclean One from Games Workshop. The following paints were used: Games Workshop: Skavenblight Dinge, Celestra Grey, Mournfang Brown Vallejo: Ice Yellow Scale 75: Black Leather P3: Black (Games Workshop Black is also suitable)


Joel Munson

Perfect timing! I was trying to figure out how to do the robes on a dark eldar model in leather, but was a little stuck. This was great! Instead of the black and brown from the video I ended up making glazes out of the soft done and blue wash from army painter, and it turned out great. Thanks for another great tutorial!


Awesome! Feel free to send me a photo of the results, I love to see how people adapt my work. I really appreciate this post, thank you :D