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This video shows the start of the second wing for Mortarion, primarch of the Death Guard. It's quite long, so prepare yourself! I'll upload a second version of it tomorrow that includes a classical music background track, just in case you get bored of only listening to my voice ;)

I'm hoping to get a video of the Great Unclean One Rotigus done this weekend as well.

The following paints were used:

Games Workshop:

Rhinox Hide

Cadian Fleshtone

Kislev Flesh

Xereus Purple




Mortarion Wing 2 Video 1

This video shows the start of the second wing for Mortarion, primarch of the Death Guard. The following paints were used: GAmes Workshop: Rhinox Hide Cadian Fleshtone Kislev Flesh Xereus Purple Vallejo: Ivory


Mark Hancock

Cannot wait to see the next phase!!!!


I agree, really want to see more of this. Why bother uploading multiple of the same with a music track. If people really dont want to listen to what you are saying, they can just play their own music in the background!?!


That's a good point! Don't worry, the next video will be very soon 😁. I think I'll skip the music, as you rightly say, people can have their own music playing!