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This video shows how to paint the textured skin of the Great Unclean One of Nurgle.

The following colours were used:

(Games Workshop)

Cadian Fleshtone

Kislev Flesh

Ushabti Bone

Rhinox Hide

Mournfang Brown

Skavenblight Dinge

Moot Green

Palid Wych Flesh


Nurgle Great Unclean One Skin

This video shows how to paint the textured skin of the Great Unclean One of Nurgle. The following colours were used: (Games Workshop) Cadian Fleshtone Kislev Flesh Ushabti Bone Rhinox Hide Mournfang Brown Skavenblight Dinge Moot Green Palid Wych Flesh



Thanks Rich, can’t wait to watch.

David Paz

Thank you very much for your work, your patreon is really amazing. Well, I wanted to ask you, what colors did you use for the worms that are coming out of your mouth (the mouth of your head)? that is very natural. Thank you Richard!


Well I'm not Nurgle 😂 but as far as I can remember I first drybrushed Ushabti Bone then used a normal brush and tidied that up with the same colour, then Ceramite White to highlight. After that I used Blood for the Blood God to make it wet and slimy.