Great Unclean one Staff Tutorial (Patreon)
2018-06-21 17:21:40
Sorry for the delay with this, I've had computer problems!
Here is the video showing how to paint the staff of Rotigus, Great Unclean One of Nurgle. There will be more videos next week for him as he has to be finished for the 30th June, which is the Age of Sigmar Golden Demon at Warhammer Word!
There will soon be videos for his nurgling attendants too :D
The following paints were used:
Games Workshop: Rhinox Hide, Ceramite White, Cadian Fleshtone, Balor Brown, Moot Green, Ushabti Bone, Lothern Blue, Mournfang Brown
Vallejo: Model Colour Black (feel free to use GW Abaddon Black).
P3: Iosen Green