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First of all I would like to thank those of you who supported me while preparing him for Crystal Brush, and also voting for me when it went live, it meant so much to me, and I had more views than any other entry! I will not make a comment on the competition itself. 

Unfortunately I managed to catch a cold at Adepticon, but I guess that is to be expected.

So here is the finished version of Mortarion! Well, mostly finished as I will be adding more to the base for Golden Demon. If you want to see him in the flesh then come to Warhammer Fest in May. 

I've just posted a video for how to paint the dark cloth on Mortarion, and will have a PDF to match it that I'll post next week, along with a PDF for the gold NMM effect.

For models other than Mortarion, I have a load of video to edit for the Troll from  the Night Vault game, which will be finished up quite quickly. 

Now that Mortarion is out of the way I will be updating much faster!

I have a lot of amazing models to paint, some for gaming and some for display. This will include Blackstone Fortress models, Night Vault models, Space Marines including the new Black Legion figures, and many more!

Thanks again!




Jose Herraez

Just applied this technique for painting Abaddon’s loincloth, albeit with other colours. Amazing results! Thanks for sharing this.


Morty looks perfect! Such a great work - I'm speechless. About next minis to paint - please tell that you're gonna paint Abaddon! Looking forward to those Black Legion minis. Cheers!