Update! (Patreon)
Hello! I hope everyone is keeping well, considering the problems the World is facing.
First of all I am very sorry for all of those people who were due to attend my classes at Adepticon. It has been a big financial and social loss to many teachers and attendees.
I have just posted the latest video for Nagash, this time looking at weathering over all of the work I've been doing on the stippling and filigree.
Speaking of Nagash, as Adepticon Golden Demon and UK Golden Demon have both been cancelled, I no longer need to rush to get him done. This means I can spend a bit more time making him even better. He will now be turned into a diorama!
*Nagash will remain a Patreon exclusive, so even though the competitions are not running this year, he will not be posted anywhere but here until he is entered into a competition.
Also, as I am not having to focus on Nagash with a time limit, I can now bring in more videos of other models. One of which will be the new Dark Angels space marine character.
Thank you everyone for your support.