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This is part 2 in a series focusing on teh new Mega Gargant (Giant) from Games Workshop. This video looks at the metal plates on the head and the eyes. 

The following paints were used:

 Games Workshop: Kantor Blue, Temp Gurard Blue, Mournfang Brown 

Vallejo: Neutral Grey P3 Morrow White


Mega Gargant Head Part 2: Eyes

This is part 2 in a series focusing on the new Mega Gargant (Giant) from Games Workshop. This video looks at the metal plates on the head and the eyes. The following paints were used: Games Workshop: Kantor Blue, Temp Gurard Blue, Mournfang Brown Vallejo: Neutral Grey P3 Morrow White



What size brush do you use on the eye? Your control makes it look much easier than it actually is for me.