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I've just posted the latest video, which this time features a Tyranid Norn Emissary, which Games Workshop sent me as a review copy.

I'm aiming to get this model finished very quickly, providing the heat doesn't melt me, I am hoping to finish the whole thing by the end of next week 💀 while also working more on my Nurgle Malignant Plaguecaster! We'll see how I do :D

Also, don't worry if you are waiting for the Kroxigor to continue, he will be back soon! I am considering turning him into part of a duel entry for Golden Demon!

Here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/pvcZYWGv There is a members only area and a free area! Be aware that this link will expire, but I will create a new one with the next update.



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