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Oh cock.

[Top Gear - Dark Souls 1/2/3 Special]

All the footage and music are in place and the voiceover for the 3 legends have begun. I did my best to include as many genuine Top Gear/Grand Tour voice segments as possible by bingeing those shows and will continue to do so as I fill up the voice segments.

After watching the above video you way wonder how captain slow can possibly compete with the others. Well the others have a rough road ahead of them as well, and James May is not to be underestimated.

Thank you for you support!


James May showcases his plan for a no pickup route



I’m not one of the people who had a problem with the ai voices, but it’s awesome of you to go through so much content to make it a bit more authentic, it’s awesome and it’s why I love your videos.

Cactus Jones 2.0

Yes. This can be done by human actors/voice impersonations. But that's 3 people, for 3+ hours of content. Yes, patreon can pay for it, but general YouTube viewers might not.


My comment was congratulating him for finding the best way to pull it off, combining voice clips from the show and ai generated vocal clips to string context based dialogue to the viewer. I did not say that fully voice acted dialogue should be something to focus on.