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Hi fam!

2 more to go before the end of TOS 🥹!

We have another episode of Star Trek TOS today. Today's episode is The Savage Curtain. This episode was a lot of fun and reminiscent of The Arena. We got to meet Abraham Lincoln and the legendary Vulcan Surak! Kirk, Spock, Lincoln, and Surak were pitted in battle against notorious villains of history in order to help alien rock creatures understand the concept of good and evil! Such a fascinating episode!

Let me know what you guys think!





Ian Smith

It's Abraham Lincoln,Alexxa! Gene Roddeberry's final story for TOS is very much in his style - human beings given a test by characters created from their memories (not that different from The Cage,really). However, this episode (perhaps inadvertently) creates a solid foundation for the future: Surak,Kahless and General Bell will all appear again in later Trek series (although you'll need to wait patiently until you see them!) Next up...one of my very favourite Trek stories :D