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Hi fam!

We have another episode of Star Trek TOS today. Today's episode is Elaan of Troyius. I loved this episode! This one was a take on Helen of Troy and the impact a woman can have on a man, even one as strong as Kirk!

I truly enjoyed this episode! I can't wait to hear what you have to say about this one!





Ian Smith

Season Three stories are ones that I don't tend to rewatch, but this one is a lot of fun and definitely places in my Top 5 of this season. Elaan is a delightful character. We started by hating her, and ended up going "awwww!" There's were a few scenes that wouldn't be permitted today, but this story is a really fun (and often spectacular) romp. The original 1960's f/x (which were, of course, updated here) were some of the most lavish in TOS, and apparently took months to create - so much for the Season Three low budget! France Nuyen (Elaan) was a good friend of William Shatner; which is possibly why she was cast. She is now a leading psychologist and counselor for abused women and children (and won the prestigious Woman of the Year award). This also the only episode in TOS to be written and directed by the same person (John Meredith Lucas)

Alexxa Reigns

Thank you for all of that! You are so right, I went from disliking her to feeling for her. She was a great character. I love that she's now a psychologist and counselor for abused women and children. That is such an honorable thing. It made me like the actress even more!