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Hi fam!

We have another episode of Star Trek TOS today. Today's episode is The Paradise Syndrome. This was a heart-breaking episode! Captain Kirk and the landing party arrive on a planet with a population similar to Native Americans / Indigenous People. While investigating, Kirk loses his memory and falls in love with the planet, its people and its customs. It is rare for us to see our captain without any worries and completely at peace. So it was so hard to see him get a life that we knew he couldn't keep. 

I can't wait for you guys to watch this one!





Ian Smith

This episode tries really hard, but I just can't get invested in the Kirk/Miramanee romance - although I really like the concept of the events occurring over several months. (TNG did several stories along similar lines to this, and they carry far more of an emotional punch,imo.) As soon as she announces she's pregnant you know she's certain to die, because the show cannot possibly have such a thing as a baby born out of wedlock, especially to Kirk - this was a 60s family show, after all! Ultimately, I always remember this episode as 'the one where it gets very windy and Kirk shouts "Miramanee" a lot'. :D OK, you've now seen The Enterprise Incident. THIS story is in my Top 10 - a really fun romp,and the first TOS story to contain real plot continuity from an earlier episode. Looking forward to your reaction.

Alexxa Reigns

I laughed so hard at "Ultimately, I always remember this episode as 'the one where it gets very windy and Kirk shouts "Miramanee""!! 😂💛