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Hi fam!

We have another episode of Star Trek TOS today. Today's episode is The Enterprise Incident. Two great episodes in a row?!?! This episode was soooooo good! This one was a true mind f*ck! I don't want to say too much, in case you are watching it for the first time with me. This one is easily one of my favourites of Season 2 and 3 so far!

Let's chat about it!





Ian Smith

Another of my favorites,too. This is that rare thing in TOS - a sequel to an earlier episode ( Season One's 'Balance of Terror'), and it's a lot of fun; even though we know full well that Kirk is not going crazy at the start, because that just wouldn't happen :) Trivia time: the reason the Romulans are using Klingon warbirds is because so much money was spent on the design of the model spaceship that the production team felt that they needed to get their money's worth by using it again for a different alien race! Of course, for this edition with updated CGI there was no reason NOT to have a Balance of Terror-designed Romulan warbird as well, so we were able to see BOTH types of craft. Speaking of reusing models - the Romulan cloaking device was also Nomad from Season Two's The Changeling (but with a couple of extra bits stuck on)

Josh Fitzgerald

I had forgotten how good this one was! I hadn’t seen it in a really long time. Not only is it a really compelling story, it’s also a lot of fun. A major season highlight for sure. Side note…DC Fontana was definitely MVP as far as Star Trek writers go. Her first name is Dorothy, and she used the name DC to hide the fact she was a woman so that people would take her writing seriously. What a time!

Alexxa Reigns

RIIIGHHT?! It was soooo good! I hope we get more DC episodes before the end of the series!

Alexxa Reigns

Ohhhhh! Thanks for that trivia! That's good to know...and absolutely "fascinating" 😉🖖🏾