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Hi fam!

We have another episode of Star Trek TOS today. Today's episode is Day of the Dove. This was a weird one! 🤣 I don't know what to make of this one, but it was entertaining to say the least. I hope you enjoy it!





Ian Smith

This was another story that I know well from it's adaptation as a fotonovel, rather than being familiar with it as an episode. Having watched it again yesterday I was struck by how much it seemed to resemble The Naked Time - but not so well. For example, regulars acting out of character and getting passionate or aggressive (or - awkwardly,in Chekov's case - both!) and indulging in lots of sword fights; and the Enterprise on the point of destruction unless they recover in time. In this instance,they actually work out what's happening about half way through the story; but we have to watch even more of the same until the episode has reached its required length - and even then its unsatisfying, as we get no further information about the alien, nor even a proper ending for the klingons. For me, this is one story where I actually preferred the fotonovel!

Alexxa Reigns

You are so right...I wish we knew more about the alien...all we know is that it needs people to fight or hate!