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Hi fam!

We have another episode of Star Trek TOS today. Today's episode is That Which Survives. This was a cool episode, as we got to see Spock in charge of the Enterprise again, with Scotty  to help him, and we got to see Sulu in full action! Whenever Sulu and Scotty are heavily involved in episodes, it makes me happy! This one was no exception. I have to admit that I was scared shitless for them a few times, but thankfully, our crew is safe and sound and back aboard the Enterprise!

I hope you enjoy this one!





Ian Smith

Let's start with the trivia: this story was written (under a pseudonym) by D.C.Fontana - my favourite ST writer. When you think about it, her story idea was way ahead of its time: A powerful computer which generates an Avatar representing the last survivor of her humanoid race - but the computer misdiagnoses the purpose of its programming, and inadvertently uses the Avatar to cause harm on all who come near. It's an imaginative little concept,and (when you find out the explanation - thanks to Spock) a very effective one. Fontana intended the Avatar to be way more brutal,and not another Roddenberry-esque 'tempting, beautiful female'; so used a pseudonym instead. Nonetheless,this a decent little episode; with a really good opportunity for Sulu to become directly involved in the action. Did you notice the continuity reference,when Sulu reminisced about the Horta from 'Devil In the dark'..? That was a nice touch :)

Alexxa Reigns

I love DC's episodes! And yes, I did clock the Horta reference. Any episode that bring us more Sulu brings me joy!