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Hi fam!

We have another episode of Star Trek TOS today. Today's episode is Let That Be Your Last Battlefield. This episode will stay with me for a bit... This was so sad. A species fighting amongst themselves to the point of destruction for perceived differences. As much as I wish we would have had a better resolution to this episode, I appreciate that the writers didn't just fix it all with a happy ending. Sometimes hate wins... it's a lesson too many of us have had learned.

I can't wait to see what you guys thought of this one!





Ian Smith

This is not the third in my 'top 3 TOS stories' - but it's a highly memorable and powerful episode nonetheless. The Direction is very creative - but a little too sledgehammer at times (the epic journeys to the Transporter Room at the very end! All those close-ups of eyes during the Destruction Countdown sequence); but the message is very powerful and, ultimately, hugely effective. They make it quite clear that BOTH sides are in the wrong, even if one of them is entirely justified to feel anger through their historical racial persecution; and the ending (where they continue to blindly hammer each other to death even when all the other members of their two races have already destroyed themselves) is powerful, bleak, and always (unfortunately) relevant. On a lighter note (and knowing that we're both watching the version with the new and improved CGI) weren't the FX in this story magnificent? All those flights through space; the orbiting of the beautiful planet that they were sent to rescue; and, especially, the image of the destroyed Cheron. Combined with the subject matter, it really makes it feel as though we've just watched a truly epic story...in 45 minutes! (Season 3 gets a lot of flak from fandom. Some of it is justified; but this story - together with a few others - make this season equally as worthy as the other two, imo)

Alexxa Reigns

I agree with you! The episode was visually pleasing to watch! Although season 1 remains my favourite, I think season 3 has been so entertaining! Based on the comments I read, I was expecting it to be boring - but I am highly entertained and a bit sad that the end is near 🥹