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Working on a design for Hestia, a goddess in the pantheon that Jackie belongs too.

Like the greek Hestia, she'd be goddess of domestic life, so planning to make her look like a cartoon housewife.

Had a talk with MacStar who suggested she have dainty feet, like Dexter's mom. Let me know if y'all have any features for Hestia you'd like to suggest :3



Maybe if she's wearing one, her toga could have a pattern or design on the front that looks like an apron?


A portable vaccum cleaner that acts like Aeolus' wind bags, pushing all the bad boats away, or the rock avalanches like they are pebbles. She also has a little platter where food always appears on. For her guests, no matter how big or small they are. Finally, short hair with curled at the tip, like old housewives. As was the style at the time.


Jackie Does The Sprite No Burp Challenge But Her Sprite Bottle Is Giant