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Did this for fun. And I know people had been wanting pussy expansion, so I was trying to string together common interests. Cavitees and I had gone out for a drink and been talking about this and it was a hot idea. It'd be nice to do a followup where they're actually in the backroom. :p




The guy she’s talking to who’s currently growing a massive bulge: This office is the weirdest place ever, everyone is growing massive body parts and are super horny and hump like rabbits…including me

Jared K Gonzalez

the name of the sketch did not disappoint. It's definitely a niche expansion choice but one that's nice to see in action.

Jesse Selbert

More of this, and a video would be amazing


Real great stuff! Man keep it growing😊

Grigor Lall

I know I'm a burden about this and maybe you wrote it somewhere already and the workload must be unbearable lately buuuttttt........ Any BB3 update PLLEEEEAAASSSEEE 🥹🥹🥹🥹 Me and My Gf both absolutely Love the series


As odd as it is, I find I have trouble drawing the vaginas on female characters, especially since I wanna do hyper stuff like this


I'll make an update post after the Kim Pine animation is done. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but it really makes me anxious when people ask about animations on unrelated posts..