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{$5+ Patron-only post --> now available for all Patrons!}

UPDATE 10/4/2018

The Summertime Lesson is now available for all Patrons - watch here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7MmFLtGmEE

(ps if you watch in youtube, you can see the full chat from the live session. :)

and when you feel comfortable, you can play along with Summertime Play-Along 

I've also attached the final chord chart below - we used the WIP one for the lesson, but the Play-Along uses the final.

enjoy!! c.


Aloha Patrons!

UPDATE: to go straight to the play-through at the end, visit this link: https://youtu.be/W7MmFLtGmEE?t=52m15s  (the play-through at the top is a bit glitchy, so use this one instead!)

See you Thursday 6/21 at 4:30pm Pacific Time for our monthly Live Lesson - if you click on the video above, you’ll see a countdown for your timezone.

I'll teach our June vote winner, Summertime.  You'll see from the chord chart that there's a lot of chord movement, so we will focus on that.  We'll keep the pace slow, and I'll teach an optional advanced variation at the end of the lesson.

How to Watch Live

1. Click on this direct link to the lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7MmFLtGmEE

2. Log in to YouTube to join the live chat, and please say hello!  I can't see that you're watching unless you chat.  

3. Feel free to post your questions to me, or to the community.

How to Watch Later

1. Watch the video linked above (it's the same as the live link)

2. Feel free to post your comments and questions below.

Download the Chord Chart

Please look for the orange pdf link below - the pdf should download immediately when you click on it. 

Thanks, look forward to seeing you online!

xo cynthia.


Patreon June 2018 Live Lesson


Cynthia Lin

aloha all! you can go straight to the play-through at the end by visiting this link: <a href="https://youtu.be/W7MmFLtGmEE?t=52m15s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/W7MmFLtGmEE?t=52m15s</a>

Jessica Dugas

Do you post the chord chart for the winning song before the live lesson so we can practice ahead of time?

Cynthia Lin

hi jessica! i am typically finishing the chord chart right before the lesson, so i send it along with the lesson info. you can practice after the lesson!

Jessica Dugas

Is there a link you email or post to us before the lesson to link up with you?

Laura Smith

Thank you so much for this!! It's a great arrangement- I've really been looking forward to getting it. The weather is just starting to turn cold & cloudy where I live, so singing Summertime is a delightful way to stay in the warm-weather mood!


My first time here with u !!!!!