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Klavier doing his warm boyfriend-eyes or soft-smug at you whichever is your preferred taste. 

I may have been channeling some Capcom vibes in this one hoping to one day design characters as well as the Rival Schools designers who are today doing the art/art direction for Ace Attorney. They have a way with giving nice simple rendering and good weight and dimension to characters. I particular like the way they do squarish but round noses. 


Why the fixation with Klavier? Because I wanted to pick a pretty AA character to play with.
Why the fixation with Klavier? Because I wanted to pick a pretty AA character to play with.



Strangely reminded of Yurika from Rival Schools. Capcom really loved its drill hair back then, didn't they?


Gosh I almost forgot about her YES. There's a lot of characters with coiled curls like that but for some reason Capcom loves exagerating it a lot!