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Persona, anime, OCs… I wanted to draw many more video game characters but February had been hectic with atypical weeks of life events both good and bad. Namely mortality in close family which still has us shook. Trying to pull through for the others which is taking a small toll on me (I’m fine! I just want to go out and have a drink by myself now)

I’ve been procrastinating on drawing tattoo work for clients because I preferred just focusing on doing fanart and playing Persona 5 which is also weirdly long and filled with so many details. I think I might be too old to be playing Persona MAYBE!

Anyways February has been a bit slow but I still have the monthly smut images to post as well as more sketches to come. Thanks for your kindness and patience and support!


Yusuke is such a dramatic artist so prim and full of himself I had no idea what I expected before playing lol
I will always honour a Nanjo request. He’s one of those characters I immediately loved even from way before I played the game.
For comparison here is a Nanjo from 2019. It’s fun to see the colour blocking I was trying to do here. Notice his comb in his pocket hahaha
Yusuke is such a dramatic artist so prim and full of himself I had no idea what I expected before playing lol
And funny comparison here’s Jun Kurosu from Persona1. It’s only a bit hard to not unsee them as very similar characters.
Buddha/Shakyamuni from Record of Ragnarok. He’s kind and zen and never did anything wrong (for real)
Study of Cosmo from an anime still in Kengan Ashura. My favourite small grappling boy.
Spinning tops OC boy of mine. I need to give him a pretty name!
Crossfit boy Stan being a pleasant guy with his other gym mates.



Well, hope you're doing well overall. Go get that drink and relax!


Persona absolutely is very long the older you get. I'm prepared to just look at the art/listen to the music for the next one.