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It's been a bit of a week, but I still wanted to put out a page (well technically pages) tomorrow! Just saying so as I usually don't put out pages right at the end of the month or on weekends.

Else than that... hmm...

I got a lot of great feedback/questions with the form! Thank you all for participating (it's still open if you want to give me more input) otherwise I'm taking my time to write up responses to questions!

I'm also keeping up the commission & suggestion box through next month, so if you still want to submit yours it will be available during that duration.

Anyways, have a spooktacular weekend~



With the comm/suggestion box, do you inform people as you pull their requests? I may have missed if you answered this, but I tried to look it over first 😅


I do! If I pull yours from the box I contact you via the info you provided and begin hashing out how to work on it. I wanted to do more this month but I've been all over the place. As for suggestions, since they're just that, I kind of pull from different suggestions to come up with something typically.