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This one was especially fun, because I love when art is a sort of like...haphazard inspiration experience where maybe you don't know what you're getting by the end of it? But that's the THRILL! I had this fat-man-changing-on-a-scale sketch that I didn't know what to do with, but I can run it through our discord for feedback and opinions! Folks suggested Brian, my minotaur character, and things took off from there. Something of a continuation of the previous piece, where his run-in with a musty-old-magic mirror in the attic may be having some lasting influence!

Nathan (the jinn), Ceran (isklen elf), and Brian (minotaur) have been a trio of gym-frequenting buds for years. Since their routines and goals had a tendency to sync up, Nathan was keen on them become a "thing," starting a media page providing "healthy living" advice, while also happening to showcase no shortage of lurid images featuring these rippling physiques. Bare chests get them clicks! However, Brian and Ceran aren't nearly as invested, fully aware of it largely being Nathan's latest ego-fanning fixation, so they mostly just go about it for the sake of fun and pleasing their persnickety friend.

Nathan is very vain, and cares a lot of about maintaining an "image."
Ceran is not without own, but his weakness for hedonistic behavior has been repeatedly noted. Brian was always the more measured of the three, more responsibly mild mannered and not too "much" of anything. In fact, he often worries that his hesitance and over-caution has led him to being a boring person, afraid to do anything bold, risky, interesting, etc. Ever since he had that weird incident with that mirror while dusting off storage? Things have been /off/. Not terrible, not foreboding, but different. His friends have been noticing. Nathan is comfortable letting him know. 👀



Johnny Gayzmonic

One man's failure is another man's "AHOOGA!" (wolf whistles)


So gooood!!!


THANKYOU!!! Also it was so chilly and windy like crazy today, and it made me think of you! :D HOPE THAT'S NOT WEIRD TO SAY, I recall you saying it was your favorite type of weather and it made me smile.


Awe that's so sweet!! Not weird at all, I love when it's sunny and cold or windy!! We're finally getting colder weather now too and it rocks


YEESSS, it makes me enjoy far more being indoors in my heated blanket mound, and the whistling wind is soooo soothing. 😌