Hopeful Mornings Ahead (Patreon)
Keep practicing, keep learning, keep going. It's all you can do!
First art of the new year, let's hope it's a sign of many more.
This was a bit of paint practice / figure drawing I did today in order to try and jumpstart my art gears again. My apologies that my health has taken a turn, MS flare up making things difficult, so art is a bit slow. But slow art better than no art! It's been awhile since I did one of these, and they make for good warm-ups if you need to shake some dust out.
I have no idea who this is, he's a collection of a lot of parts I was staring at. When I eventually post this publicly, it will then be allowed for personal use (like references for RP profiles, etc.). I think all my practice paints are good-to-go for personal use since they're usually referenced from photos anyway, so they EXTRA feel like a "for the community" thing.
In the meantime I'm making sturdy progress on this year's Onsen piece! I just want to flesh it out a bit more before I let you folks in on the WIPs. Thank you for being patient and supporting me in these troubling times, legit I'm in crazy ass pain but god damn it I will keep going!