Working from Home (Patreon)
I'm counting this as part of the slut sketch series. Genuinely, this started as an attempt to redraw a photo/meme, and somehow ended up as peak vaporwave vibes. It was going to just be the top window, BUT I GUESS WE'RE GETTING THE FULL THING! It's been awhile since I've been able to sneak in one of these, so allow me this indulgence. 🌆✨
The context was the guy having to let the deliverer snapshot the delivered food as proof of arrival and he was wearing that shirt. Can relate, I have a couple of tees that are, what we call, strictly "home wear." Ceran is going through it this week, so just let him have his weed and his coffee treats!
....I like how thick I drew his ankles in this. I hope I remember to keep doing that.