Kurxa’s BENCHMARK SPECIAL - PART 4 (400 Watchers) - Stranded?!! (Patreon)
Kurxa’s BENCHMARK SPECIAL - PART 4 (400 Watchers) - Stranded?!!
OK, firstly this benchmark series started off as a sort of a joke. I never knew I would have to revisit this ongoing story. If you are new, this benchmark series-
(I post weekly on Patreon so the upload schedule on the DeviantArt does get a little scarce… I appreciate all the support regardless)
Kurxa scared half to death looking at up at huge 6ft 10 silhouette. Wide enough she took up three rows of seats. Funny thing is she-
Bdusgsvwha eidndjamendn Paid him no mind at all sitting on his humble lap. Almost busting his laptop to bits having typed several letters with her ass. Leaning to the side she ripped it from his crushed arms and read was he was writing
Her huge ass pinned him up to his chest, all he could do was reach over her super tall butt shelf.
Her butt plop almost broke his neck and spine… so Kurxa heeded her warning and conceded the fact she had access to his entire DeviantArt AND Patreon account content.
The giant woman sat reading every last piece Kurxa had written. Whenever she felt Kurxa getting limp or starting to pass out she’d butt hop, smashing the life back into him.
As She began typing, Kurxa could feel her laughing at him as he was helpless under her butt. Eventually ending up between her cheeks.
Instead of her typing a message to the beloved Patreons who know of her… she just edited her description… with a huge smile on her face.
As Kayla typed on… Kurxa could feel her butt growing!! Spilling out of her leggings onto his chin. Growing from 6ft 10 to 7ft 1. Long blond curly locks fluttered over her giant barrels of back fat.
(Insert picture
Her entire image was different. She was beautiful blonde princess looking woman now. However she kept the same mean nonchalant demeanour.
Growing tired of being crammed up on the plane she typed that the flight came to and end quickly. As she was a Patreon OC VIP she got exclusive treatment.
Wearing a glamorously tight sundress with no undies Kurxa was trapped in her fleshy abyss, she didn’t care to let him out just yet.
Until the Iranian armed forced halted her!
“Demnding to know the whereabouts of her man”
With a big sigh, Kayla ripped Kurxa from between her cheeks.
Her beautiful face with a raised eyebrow had Kurxa somewhat lost for words. Giggling nervously as she didnt realise she was resting her giant windscreen breasts on his groin.
“Errrr eheheee-ahah….ahhh, yeaah… Honestly had no clue where this plane was headed… ahh… cut me some slack Dara. You’re always grumpy“
“(Squishes between breast) The name is Kayla… I’m not grumpy… I’m hungry… ALWAYS HUNGRY…”
Kurxa could hear a commotion in the distance. As-
Kayla dove into his backpack, and pulled out three lifetime Kurxa kafe exclusive Patreon OC passes, including animation opportunities!!
“You don’t animate or even draw… let me find out these are false promises n I’ll pop your skull… (Kurxa’s excitement poked her meaty breasts) ….loser… (walking away shouting) IF ANYONE CARES! WRITE ME A FEW SEQUELS…SEE YOU GUYS IN NAAM”
Kayla walked off into the airport’s Kurxa kafe section. She stomped on the security rather than show them her pass. Kurxa winced as she butt crushed the newly weds. Her sharp glare sniped him as-
The Iranian security guards were also looking at Kurxa’s work. He grabbed it back as quickly as possible. The page was on
‘The Man Who Got Mailed A Middle Eastern Pear’
(The five part series that was concluded on Patreon - *Hint Hint*)
As they swarmed around him Kurxa was curled up expecting them to think they would be offended by what he wrote about their culture etc but….
(Loud cheers)
They celebrated the man! Throwing him in the air very grateful for the attempt of culture inclusion. However they took him away
“Hey wait!! Wha-put me down?!”
In a matter of minutes. Kurxa found himself in a middle eastern style palace made of solid gold.
Looking around the place he-
The ground shook until a shadow loomed over him
Mira’s fat jello lips bounced on Kurxa’s mouth. The man was lulled into infatuation immediately
“Hahahah! Kurxa sir you being worse Jason”
She placed him in her tits and MWAHHH!
Her fat lips buried his cock in a single sloppy red lipstick kiss.
Kurxa was trembling in pleasure
Her super glossy lips and tongue grazed his ear as she whispered “I please you in gratitude? Till you shake like electric zap… nobody know… secret thing”
Kurxa was speechless, cock twitching rock hard as it could.
Walking next Mira, her jelly like fleshy cheeks were flopping free of any underwear so Kurxa was getting hit huge jiggling butt.
“You working hard… I’m happy you fixed the Patreon tiers … but you must show more uploads to DeviantArt fans-“
Walking in their super luxurios bathroom which looked like a modern condo apartment. Except it had supersized, bathtubs, showers, massage couch, huge jacuzzi bath, even a balcony pool bath thing.
“DeviantArt is your start!, you must consistent show the loving… (sits on the floor with feet in jacuzzi) I want to be uploaded there!!”
“I honestly try, I reply to comments and stuff, it’s just I’be gotta make sure the patreon is maintained“
Making him sit on breasts with his legs wide apart, she gripped both of his shoulders… and went to town. Between her sludge slurping and spit and suck power, Kurxa was calling out for mercy. She grabbed his throat… choking him… trying to get him to be quiet.
This made kurxa blow at least twice, making his heart race on higher than ever. Until his legs shook like engine tubes. Eventually using her breasts and hands too… Kurxa was a goner!
“*GULP* Ahhhh tasting… At least one piece a month of DeviantArt ok… pleaseeee… forrrrr me?”
At this point her pouting her lips was a threat, let alone her sky blue eyes and-
The door went flying off the hinges
“WAAAA!! GAURDS HELP HELP!! (Panics in Iranian) he abuse my face and threaten me (pretends to cry, winking at Kurxa)”
The guards charge at Kurxa as he makes a break for the window. He flung himself far outside the window. He snagged one of her panties and used them as a parachute.
They fully inflated in the hot dry air, Kurxa looked up gobsmacked realising how big Mira’s ass truly is. Floating down onto what seemed to be the open desert.
An extremely treacherous desert typical of the middle east landscape. Even Mira’s guards gave up chasing kurxa out there.
Eventually the situation dawned on him, no food no water, eventually Kurxa will perish. Metaphorically Relating this Kurxa’s life having experienced tough times just like anyone reading this. With no real other option but than to keep moving forward until his legs gave out…. He collapsed… face full of sand… rattle snakes and desert life hissed all around him sensing weakness.
Out of nowhere-
Kurxa eyes blinked hearing
A quad bike roaring over the sand dunes
Pulling up beside him.. burying Kurxa in doing so. A tiny hand plunged deep into the scorching sand pulling Kurxa’s worn out body.
The sun rays burned Kurxa like an open oven
(Japanese surprised quotes)
Kurxa felt someone carry his body and throw him onto a quad bike.
“No no don’t sit on him yet!! He looks familiar”
Kurxa was nursed to health by the angelic soft hands of what he thought was an goddess at this point.
Opening his eyes he saw the prettiest fave he’s seen in years.
“Hey there… Honourable Mr Kurxa-San”
Sitting up, gulping the water down. His face blankly looked at the two girls, complete opposite of stature, one was 210lbs and slender, the other was a 900lb beast.
“Awwww Omi he still doesn’t have a clue who we are hahaha!! Maybe you should squash him after all”
“S-SQUASH!!! Wai-wai-waiiit err let me-“
“OMI AND AKIRA From the ‘The Wrong One’ series on DeviantArt you ass hat!! Your most viewed series to date!!”
Omi stood over Kurxa with her belly button aimed at his face..
“Oooooooooh my gosh, shout out to tray-“
“You GOTTA pay great homage to the Great Tray, and the 8th crazy on the 21st of the last calendar month, both must be gods of creation in their own right…”
Kurxa was floundering in Omi’s super strong grip.
“They know-(Struggle) I love them Omi-ack! I swear! They’ll never know how they’ve kept me going in recent hard times, I really appreciate all my day 1 supporters… (gasp)”
Omi’s tough demeanour melted hearing such heart felt words. As she let him down to his feet dusting him off. Akira pulled him away from Omi and sat on his lap with a-
“Oh my am I heavy now? I love the Kurxa bagels, I met Bigbootyasshley in there once she advised me one… neever looked back”
Kurxa laughed at Akira’s cute story until he… tried to move back on the seat and couldn’t. Feeling his entire lap was quickly becoming super warm and-
Kurxa looked down to see Akira’s hips and ass had his legs pinned. Im fact her ass cheeks hung over the side on the seat too!!
“Some guys message me saying I could be the Japanese Randalin… *Scoff* what on earth are they talking about Mr Kurxa?”
Akira was packing at 55inch ass hips and thighs on her exact same upper body from back in her story. The fact she now weighed 210lbs means her lower body alone weighed about 100lbs!!
Plopping on Kurxa’s lap to get comfortable, he could barely hold on to her tiny waist.
“Omi… we had a tour guide with us… remember?”
“No? What tour guide?”
Akira giggled to herself as she face palmed. When Omi turned around to get on her bike, Kurxa saw the tour guide, beaten and mashed to a pulp between her cheeks.
“I know right? Omi’s butt… HUGEE!!… Kurxa between you and me babe… I think it was that weird tofu we always had…”
As they raced off into the desert Kurxa watched Omi’s destroy the poor quad bike as it had to handle her landing on it constantly.
Akira perfect supple cheeks were bouncing all over Kurxa lap. Once they flopped out of her tiny mini skirt Kurxa could feel everything. Akira blushed pretending not to notice all the way back to the private resort they stayed in.
Akira: Hey Kurxa honey… I’ve been thinking maybe we should… Start my own series!! What do ya think? (Smiling her pearly whites at him)
Kurxa: Ahhh….hmmm… isn’t ‘The Wrong One’ your series?
Akira: I love me and Omi’s series… but what about just me?
(Kurxa’s mind began to think about the endless possibilities of what could be an easter egg series spin off to celebrate such successful character but)
Akira: But what?
Kurxa: oh! Ehehehe I forgot my OC’s can hear the narration in these specials haha!
Akira: (Smiles her beautiful eyes into Kurxa’s soul)
Kurxa: Errr… well…
(Akira pushes up on Kurxa putting her hands on the sides of his face, biting his lip)
Akira: I like the Japanese Jumbo sisters series!! Maybe I could-
Kurxa: (exhales)
Akira runs off crying into her room, even though Kurxa didn’t give an answer yet. He wanted to tell her maybe a weight gain series could be cool. Most stories start with large women already.
Shrugging his shoulders he turns around to see
Angry Omi
Angry Junko
Very Angry Obaasan
(I strongly advise going back to the read the entire ‘The wrong one Series’ to know what kind of situation this really is)
“You make our tiny Akira cry…”
The three women were giant golems of heavy landmass. Easily weighing over 2,500lbs combined.
Kurxa was looking a brutal death in the face if he didn’t think fast. Digging in his pockets he looked for the Kurxa cafe coupons or something
Then he remembered Kayla taking them all back at the airport.
Closing his eyes crouched over praying for his life…
He heard the women consult in fluent Japanese.
“Hehe okay I’ll tell him… Omi leans forward face to face with Kurxa… well… They want another appearance…”
“My god!! Ask them how who what where or when?!! My stories are based in somewhat reality Omi, its gotta make se-“
Obaasan understood very little english sitting behind Kurxa, hugging him and stroking his hair as she thought he was agreeing to the deal
“You’re the writer! Get to work”
Omi and Junko locked poor Kurxa in a bedroom with Obaasan. Poor guy was being treated like a dolly by the 1,200lbs giant grandma. She forced him to write… stuffing food in his mouth every few hours.
The only time she wasn’t watching over him was when he was in the bathroom. Taking initiative he snuck into the vents. Crawling through as quickly and as quietly as possible struggling with his trusty laptop he couldn’t help but overhear Akira and Junko’s conversation in the next room…
Looking through the vent shafts
“(Said in Japanese) Cmon Akira no more tears! Kurxa is a fucking asshole, Obaasan is makinh him write something for you… if he doesn’t we gangbang him until he does”
Alarmed by the image of three ssbbw being rampant on his body he continued crawling through the vent to the other bathroom.
The next room over he got the scare of his life. Omi came busting in, clutching her belly meat. Panting, Kurxa’s eyes dilated when he saw she was all red and about to blow. Flinging herself at the toilet, busting the toilet seat to bits, gripping the wall
“Oh god, that…*Gwuoergle* that Ahhh-DAMN FASOOLI stuff *BWIRTLE* AhhhhhhhHHHHH!!!”
Kurxa crawled for his damn life feeling the building fight the storm of Omi’s gas. He could also hear Obaason’s seriously pissed off yelling in the background. Belly bouncing doors down to find Kurxa.
Busting out the vent into the blazing heat yet again, he ran into the busy traffic.
Before he knew it his bag was snagged on a coach/bus. Driving off choking on the immense larger vehicle fumes, he was still able to get away from Obaasan, his eyes almost popped out his head seeing her cannonball butt slam a few cars looking for him.
A lucky escape… for now
Kurxa eventually got taken down as the coach/bus drove him into a super famous museum. Able to get some snacks and disguise as a tourist child he merged with this group who wore safari hats.
Sniggering watching Obaasan, Omi, Akira and Junko look around for him cluelessly. Relief as he watched them all leave, Omi was on the phone to Dara, and they were discussing ways how they can find Kurxa.
(Read the Kurxa 300 Watcher Special! In the folder on DeviantArt)
Kurxa serene peace came to a screeching halt as
“Here we have a famous relic of the Barbarian ages… It says… Princess Zeyra, the ruthless… ahh then it looks like somebody bottom sat right here as… (Relises Kurxa) MY GOODNESS I must (slerch!!) beg your forgiveness kind s-
The ginormous belly lifted off of Kurxa face, as he floundered confused.
Rubbing his eyes it was no other than
(AMBER THE ALMIGHTY SSBBW PEAR - Star of the most recent demi-patreon-exclusive-10-part series, of the 7ft 2 Ssbbw god fearing giantess)
“Oohhh sshhhit”
“Oh! Nuh-uh-uhhh!! Dirty sock treatment for potty mothers”
Ambers tore off her super swampy sock and stuffed in Kurxa’s mouth. Before taping his mouth closed
She span around to address the class
Butt-Crushing Kurxa into solid glass standing too close
“Love thy neighbour, as one would love himself, Let this be a reminder for all you to speak with upmost respect or not at all HUMPH!!
Travis will be MY travel-buddy for the remainder of this trip”
Leaving a elephant sized butt print on the glass screen. She fished Kurxa out of her ass cheeks, pinched his ear as the group proceeded.
Kurxa was being pounded by her thigh meat in every step, wearing a huge flowy dress, her extreme pear shape body supply jiggled for all to see.
Amber was in charge of a church trip with the local kids from her church. Having them all in bed by 7pm. Her butt denied her entry to any of the kids room so she wished a good from the door. Kurxa looked at her dome booty cheeks lost for words-
“As for you! Troublesome Travis… By law I must not leave you unsupervised. God has granted me a peaceful evening with delightful food, relaxation and-BRRRRRFFFFFFT- (blushing) oh! Gracious me! Excuse me dear
Goodness me!!?”
Kurxa was sprawled out on the floor dying from her lung burning bad gas. Like a gassy acid the odour was like literal death itself.
“Come on now Travis, We’ll sign you up for drama class when you get back ahaha. In fact! An ill-mannered boy like you should come live with me!! Discipline from the lord is what you need!! And all the dirty socks you can eat”
Kurxa was yanked along to the his feet. His hand sunk into her super clammy hands. As her butt jiggled smashed his face into the wall, her hips were so wide they pounded the hallway walls, clearing the hallway of all existence.
Walking into the super zen spa, Amber’s tiny feet stomped panic into the place. Making everyone leave.
“Oh lovely!! Bring your largest dozen of Kurxa bagels… oo thank you extra cheese… fasooli? And lamb curry dips too? Salami… My goodness I will try my best not to waste any of this delicious food”
Kurxa heard absolutely nothing, staring at Amber’s 180 inches of ass. As wide as a SUV, protruding back like a majestic stallion. Barrels of supple back perched nicely on-top. Kurxa was pretty sure her thighs could flatten any seat known to man. Radiating warmth like they glowed with heat.
He really understood her nickname now
Walking over to the mud pool it was surrounded by trays upon trays of Amber’s orders.
She steamrolled through the tiny door in pure excitement. Stripping off naked and stepping slowly into the mud bath. Each step busted holes and pipes in the mud bath… busting it open to accommodate her tremendous size and .. dimensions
Relaxing, she cleared at least 18 trays of stacked food.
Kurxa (Travis) was forced to watch, so he whipped out his laptop and began to look at Ambers story… but..
“Aaand what do we have here Troublesome Travis?…. Kurxa?… DeviantArt and Pa- ohhhhh this is the dear gentleman who I spoke to before when I was looking for Wendy… strange asking me not to sit down haha!! Definitely a Prankster of the sort..”
“(Kurxa playing along as Travis.. putting on a kids sentence) oh errr Ms Amber, I don’t think you should eat those Kurxa bagels they errr… make your errr…. Your ass fat”
“Preposterous!! My young child! We are made in gods image ohohoho!! Gifted in comedy you just might be ahaha! (Eats 6 Kurxa Bagels in on bite) join me in the mud bath… you need cleansing my child”
Amber pulled Kurxa into the pool, his cock fired up encased between her front thighs. Massaging his shoulders lulling the man into serene bliss
Giant bubbles erupted in the mud bath as the suffered Amber’s unlawful gas. Kurxa could feel the instant temperature rise of the mud, as the bubbles of fart gas surfaced as the mud was boiled by such foul gas
“Oh my god!! What did you ea-“
Amber gently covered his mouth
“Thaaaats it! Breathe inn…….. and let it allllllllllll-“
“Ahhhhh out! (Stuck in her gassy punishment, unable to break her grasp)”
Amber began squeezing Kurxa into her belly meat tad too much. Getting carried away with her ‘cleansing’ of Kurxa(Travis) she didn’t realise
By this time Kurxa’s entire body was swallowed up in her huge double belly.
Amber vaporised half the resort unleashing a mushroom explosion on the sky, shockwaves of gas plummeted the surrounding area, scorched to ash like Amber’s fart was a rocket launch with no base.
Poor woman Was left standing butt booty naked in the middle of the night. The local women quickly clothed her in an Abaya dress. Fitting her like a sexy corset she was grateful to have clothes as they walked her off with Kurxa (swiftly grabbing his laptop ;-)…)
(Sadly for Mira…. The only ever the government were aware of to produce such gas was her, so she got grounded wondering not knowing what happened)
All the kids of the trip were immediately sent home. Apart from…
“Ms Amber why am I not going with the others home?”
“My Dear our passports were vaporised in the smelly blast (pulled him into her belly) you’re stuck with me until further notice”
Kurxa followed her bumper car butt back to a room.
Able to fit through the door Kurxa went in first into the bathroom. He noticed a childish laughter coming from the couch seat.
Something was under the pillow!!
Amber busted her way on and was sweaty and tired aimed her butt at the couch!
Kurxa saw a kid jump out yelling surprise, it was the real travis!! He had been hiding in this room to cause mischief but…
Amber butt crushed the entire couch! Her huge whale buns spilled out of the abaya and punched giant holes into the wall…
Eventually buting the wall sending crack through the floor walls AND ceiling.
Kurxa did not even want to describe what happened to the poor kid but… back at home he was that local kid who tortured animals and and pissed on gravestones so…
“You’re such a messy boy, what’s that tomato sauce on your shirt?”
Kurxa just looked at Amber’s 5ft tall butt and smiled it off. Setting up his laptop on the desk and continued writing this crazy piece.
After Amber was finished praying she… uh flattened the bed literally only sitting sideways on it. Plopping multiple times before getting comfortable and instantly sleeping. The adorable woman even prayed in her snoring breaths.
Kurxa sat back in safe bliss and wanted to use this
*wild coughing*
“Use your..(Snores).. words”
Kurxa could have swore Amber communicated with him in her sleep… heeding the her advice
“I want to sincerely thank everyone who shows support for my work! Feels like yesterday I just began writing… nevertheless I thank you
I will try my best to be more consistent on DevianArt! Patreon does get most of my energy as you may be able to understand..
Joining the patreon helps me create content, collabs, commissions, all sorts of content that is on the books in the background… so it is extremely appreciated..
and for the dozens of Amber the Almighty fans she is so-“
Failing to the ground in panic Kurxa, quickly grabbing his laptop! He knew it was the OC’s who wanted more parts!
The only hiding spot in the entire room was
“Wish me luck!”
Kurxa ran and dove headfirst into Amber’s butt. The super clammy, 180inches or pure jiggly tanned flesh swallowed him with ease. Amber didn’t even feel the impact! The waves of fat cushioned everything!
Dara kicked the door down!
Joyce Dove through the window!
Terra came rolling in like a ball!
They all stopped in their tracks seeing the purest of souls, Amber… sleeping like a giant 1,000lbs 7f 2 baby.
Even Dara softened up her tone to talk to the sleepy lady.
“Hey… ah sorry… we’re looking for a dude named Kurxa… he ahh… needs to do some work with us”
Amber edged awake
“This Kurxa I once spoke to, you will find him where new opportunities and possibilities lay…”
The three looked at each other…
Looked around the room
under the bed
In the bathroom
Joyce even checked the bed!
No sign of Kurxa.
Walking out confused and downright sad they didn’t find him.
Until they heard of GIANT PAVE-LOW chopper above!
AMBER WAS ON IT!! Being pulled up
Dara pulled out her binoculars from the farm to see Kurxa hanging out Amber’s ass taunting the girls
“One day you bitch!! Areegghhhh”
Joyce calmed Dara down
“It’s a matter of time Dara, look at his recent pieces, his OCs are becoming more capable, more powerful, Hema got her Doctorate! That Ida bitch is doing very well, soon we’ll have pilots, guards, gangsters, bankers! Presidents, even prehistoric reincarnations!! Don’t forget about that Giant Gina!!-“
“Good point! I love that new Riley girl! She’ll squash 1,000 men in our way” Terra smiled
“Exactly! My point!”
“Don’t worry girls… we’ll get him at 500 DeviantArt Watchers…”
Joyce stepped forward
“If he ever hits 100 patreons he’ll go fucking bonkers and try create a damn animated series or some some shit, the bare minimum 10,000 word mind warping bonanza”
The girls smile and walk away
Will be continued at 500 Watchers XD
See you guys there
Thanks for reading as always
Have yourself a great day!