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Sally and Phil… She Just couldn’t stop (Weight Gain Story)

Phill and Sally were a new couple,that had recently moved in together in a new place. She worked from from as an architect and he was a banker. Phill was a quiet kind soul, which matched Sally’s soft and caring nature.

Sally: “Baby! We’ve got a problem?!!! Our oven is out and all the local places are steakhouses”

(Phil Giggled in his head realising the pun, since she loves his meat)

Phil: Errr… yeah your… no wait!! Look!! There’s that new Kurxa kafe place

Sally: Hun I’m a raw vegan they-

Phil: Looks like they have smoothie maker or something.. lets go cmon

The couple made their way in their classic American muscle car.

Sally: “Babe… Can I be honest?”

Phil’s eyes rolled up

Sally: “I wish my butt was bigger yknow… like I don’t even fill the car seat”

Phil: “You’re fine babe, thats why I married you”

Sally: “SEE!! FINE?!! I DON’T W-

As they pulled up into the Kurxa kafe car park, there were dozens of GIANT WOMEN, averaging the height of 6ft 3 and possibly 750lbs. The car began buckling over footprints in the concrete.

The ground shook as if it was struggling to hold such a high amount of giant women in one place.

Parking up they both sat there in awe like they were seeing a live dinosaur exhibit.


Suddenly a hispanic lady ran up to Phil’s Window


Phil was scared half to death by such a women yelling through his car window. She was tightly wedged between the two cars, like wedged so bad her supersized thighs sort of lifted their car off the ground

“Err errr no no mam, we we haven’t seen him? Errr err what what he wearing?”


“We haven’t seen him SORRY”

Sally ended the conversation growing with jealousy of the woman’s figure.

The woman turned around to talk to the car next to them and


Her. GIANT. BEACH BALL BUTT CHEEKS. Ass punched through the window hitting Phil in the face. He fell onto Sally’s lap.

She sat there staring at this woman’s butt, hang clear over the window INTO their car. Super jiggly and buttery soft as if the woman had no bones beneath such a rear. Sally even poked and jiggled it… the woman didn’t even feel her tiny hands.

Eventually the woman got off not even apologising for their butt dented door and busted window. Still in a hurry she dropped her phone in the middle if the road, bending over to get it


Phil and Sally saw the busted pulp of a kid, yellow t-shirt, reaching out of the couple the void of any conviction. Only to disappear in her royal blue super tight leggings again. She even farted… which rattled their car windows

Phil’s cock was IRON hard, making every effort to hide it made him look that much more ridiculous.

“The girls that eat are all soooo… hot…. Phil I’m gonna go see what all the hype is about”

Now Phil 5ft 6 and Sally 5ft2, barely a couple of athletic stature, both had to cross the giant women like a pair of bunny rabbits crossing a busy road. A few close scares but they both made it to the doors.

They couldn’t reach the door handle until-

“AWWWW, darn Kurxa corp huh? They make handles for us tall gals ya see”


“Hear ya go…. Huh?… oh heavens haha clumsy me (Rips Phil from her foot) sorry dear”

The super thick grandma busted her hips through the ‘tiny’ Kurxa kafe doors.

Phil was dazed and thanking god her feet were soft otherwise….

“CMON CMON lets go!!”

“Errr Babe this place is kinda dangerous… I think we should”


“Nonsense LETS GOOOO!!!”

Sally grabbed worried Phil to the order desk.

They were barely visible behind the super thick grandma that helped them get inside. Sally was lost in awe of the woman’s butt, the shadow it crated was something you see in pixar films. Her summer dress was helpless in hiding such a rump

Again Sally reached out and touched it… The Grandma didn’t feel a thing… she even starting jiggling and slapping it… the most reaction they got out of her was a butt scratch

“Maam do you mind me asking how did you.. ah do it? (Phil tried to stop Sally from disrespecting the woman)”

Until she walked away not even hearing a word they said. Suddenly Phil and Sally were both at the counter without a clue of what to order!


However as they were too short to be even seen in line the only way to get served was to climb up onto the desk. Phil used all of his corporate desk job strength to labour himself onto the counter


Gazing his eyes on the worker… yes


“MY GO- oh ermm- errr-I AHH… you guys got a menu?”

“HAHAHA awww you must be new here… here’s a m-“

Out of no where came-


“New here?!! Hahaha I loooves me some Kurxa food Hunny, get me a number 5, 8, 12, 782 and a shake to go… on a diet”

The worker woman laughed at Phil squashed under the giant woman’s belly. Sally was in awe of the colossal black woman, everyone ignored her like she was someones child or something.

After the huge bellied black lady left… Phil was left in a squashed heap of sweat.

“GODDAMN!! That was heavy… you coulda helped a little… Damn…”

Phil’s words bounced out the giggling breast of the worker. She was trying to hold in her laughter… until she looked up and saw”

Police officer: “Ahhhhh (SQUELCH!!!!) These lines get longer and longer, it’s ok if I sit here right?”

Worker: uhhhhh

Police Officer: “Right You can’t really tell an officer of the law shit can you… hahah!! Get my usual please extra doughnuts… THE CREAM ONES!!”

The super wide hipped police officer butt dropped most of her ass on the counter facing backwards. Phil disappeared under such a rump. Barely presentable squeezed out the too of the law enforcement pants. She was venting her frustrations about her day to the worker.

Sally couldn’t believe her thighs!! Each in wider than her 40inch tv, her butt almost hung off the other side of the kurxa kafe counter. Super tall!! A shocking 6ft 10 would be a fair guess. Soccer ball breasts with a beastly double belly out in front.

“… SO I was like… so what If sat on a suspect .. base said excessive force!! So there!! He’s only got 6 broken bones and a-“

“OH MY GOD 6!!!!”

Sally burst out fully immersed into the giant cop’s story from work

“And… Errr who’s kid is this in here?”

Sally’s life flashed before her eyes seeing the stunning face of this cop.

“Awwww She’s nervous… I’m off duty… If you can’t find your mommy come find me (points the TINY in badge on her huge chest) Officer Leah… okayyyyy (Pinching Sally’s cheek) awww so cute”


Officer Leah left a HUUUUGE BUTT print on the counter, she even crushed the charity boxes and condiments were squished.

Sally watched the sexy monster stomp away… her poor pants were begging for their end.. dealing with such an ass. The belt was in its last life trying hold all that contained in those pants.

Phil was barely conscious… lucky that the there was no one else waiting in line

“Please!!! Just give us anything we-“

“Phil? NO!! Give us…. (Sally looks over at Officer Leah) what she has……”

“What? Who? $300?!!!!”

Phil was too distressed and just paid the price. Even was forced into signing up for a loyalty card. Sally helped lug him over to seats… the seats were as high as BUNK beds for the short couple. Climbing up to the seats

When the food came… Sally went to war with a stack of food that was taller than her. Phil loved her appetite and non fussy attitude to food but today she had met her match. Barely putting a dent in the colossal selection of dishes.

“UGHHH ITS SOO GOOD!! BABE!! You don’t want any?”

“Na Babe we ate at work… I think… I think… I think she broke my clavicle ahhh!!”

“Hahaha Such a wimp! She wasn’t that big”

Sally continued to eat until she fell back in the seat…

Suddenly a voice from above her said

“Talkin to your self… Ordering a $300 meal that weighs more than yourself… now let me guess… you’re husband’s a super kind and caring Banker who caters to your every need… huh… tell me?”

“*GULP* OOGHH!!! ITS YOUUU!!! Officer Li-“

“Officer Leah”

(Meanwhile Phil was on the other side of the food mountain, looking out the window in searing pain wondering how he is going to sue Kurxa kafe for his busted clavicle bone)

Until everything around him went dark. REAL DARK



Such an Impact shook the room

Sally: “OH MY GOD PHIL?!!!!”

Leah: “Hahaha, so you went a step far! You have names in your story hahahahahaa”

Sally: “Officer please!!!! GET UP!!! YOU’RE SQUASHING HIM!!!”

Leah: “You must be on some strong stuff too!! Hgn”





Officer Leah smashed the seat with a few mighty butt drops that sent cracks through the window.

Sally froze hearing his rib cage implode under her butt, even a squeal for mercy as he stood no chance in hell under officer Leah


“Look me in the eyes…. nope no dilation…”

Officer Leah did all the police checks for all drugs possible. Poor Sally was clean.. sat comfy on her huge thigh like a child.

“You’re not a criminal?”


Officer Leah got up and laughed almost crying in tears

“Oh damn hahahhahaa, he looks like when I sat on my thanksgiving lasagna hahahaha…. Did big bad Leah squash youuu”

Patronising him with a teasing baby voice

“We came in here coz we just moved to the neighbourhood and… well I want an ass!! Well a bigger ass like yooours”

Sally groped, jiggled and smacked the supersized butt cheeks, Leah blushed as bright as summer rose petals

“Since I squashed your husband ill call that even… touch me again and your husband will get a whole lot more of me in his life… more than he could handle… take care guys and be safe”

“WAIT WAIT!!! You didn’t tell me how!!”

Frustrated… Officer Leah grabbed Sally and force fed her the remains of the meal. Literally shoving the food down her throat. Lamp chops, pork legs, hyper fat mac and cheese

“Officer!! Wait she’s… she doesn’t eat meat”


Leah was quite brutal in how she fed Sally, stuffing her as inhumane as how someone would stuff items in an overpacked suitcase

Not until every last morsel was gone

“Make sure she washes it down with this Kurxa lard beginner shake! Here’s my number… (Winks) see ya around (Signals to Phil to call her making kisses at him)”

Phil wanted to check on his beloved wife… but his injures were too rough… he passed out

With a final gulp… Sally could finally breathe again too

Fainting on the seat parallel to Phil

And she passed out too

Thanks for Reading!! 

Be sure to let me know if you enjoyed XD 

Apologies it a few days late! 

PS: Have a great day 


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