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In case you feel like wasting 17 minutes of your time on something.


The Loud House 'TRICKED!' review!

Re-uploaded! But something went horribly wrong and there's a minute and a half of black screen at the end. So yeah, sorry about that. ~~Link to the episode!~~ https://underratedhero.tumblr.com/post/166435311999/for-those-who-are-still-looking-for-links No script this time, just my honest thoughts on the third Loud House special. Was it good? Was it entertaining? Did it have great moments? Did it look great? Spoiler alert: the answer is yes to all those questions. Don't forget to like & subscribe! ~~Links!~~ My Fanfiction page, to read my fics: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4192724/UnderratedHero My Tumblr, to see my drawings and some news: https://underratedhero.tumblr.com/ My Patreon, to support me (is still under construction!): https://www.patreon.com/underratedhero ~Music credits~ Cockpit - Silent Partner https://youtu.be/a2Ifgt4LG_4


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