Back from COVID! (Patreon)
You must have noticed that I've been MIA for some weeks. My family and I got COVID-19 around mid-late June, and that has kept me out of commission for almost a month. At first it was my parents, which thankfully they were vaccinated so they were out of serious trouble. But for two weeks I had to basically take care of the house and my younger brother.
And then I got it, and while it didn't risk my life or anything close, it also had me in bed for about 10 days. It's definitely not fun. I still feel really tired, but the doctors said I'm now COVID free and I wanna make up for these weeks without drawing.
So I'm REALLY sorry for going dark all of a sudden. It's kind of a bad habit of mine where I don't make announcements whenever I'm under a lot of stress, I just disappear. I need to work on that.
To those that have their Patreon rewards for this month, hit me up on DMs with your request and I'll get to them ASAP.