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Welcome to a new edition of Behind The Scenes, where I share the WIPs, outlines, and thoughts as I drew pages 15 and 16.

This BTS is going to be pretty short, cause I don't really have a lot to share lol

The outline for page 15 was literally:

> Whole page of the two of them dancing in different styles.

And the sketch was just that.

They're a bit rough, but I needed to make sure I knew what would overlap with what, so it's not too terribly different from the final version. I ended up adding the music pentagram with notes to mark the flow of the page, which I guess is always helpful to make reading clearer. But there's no big mystery or anything.

I will say, I've gotten repeated comments about this whole comic being "foreshadowed" by a pic I did a while ago:

This is not the case lol This pic isn't "canon" or anything like that as some people have suggested. It's just the two of them dancing at a school dance. That's it. I wasn't foreshadowing anything.

Might sound stupid to most of you, but I've gotten some insistent comments on it like it's a big mystery they've solved, and it really isn't. At all.

Just wanted to make that clear.

And then there's page 16... for which I don't have a sketch, actually.

The backgrounds were so complex (at least the first one) that I went ahead and did it all in one go, without a sketch. Just jumping straight into the final version. So yeah, I don't have a sketch, just the page.

> She finally takes him outside the school, on the grades of the football field. They sit together. He says this is one of the most fun he's ever had. And he thanks her for being there. They remind their promise as little kids, about them always being together no matter what.

There are some little details here and there, though. "You sure we won't get in trouble for being here?" "Isn't it worth the risk?" It's almost like there's some subtext to that conversation......

And then, of course, the callback to the first issue of the comic. In my mind, issues 1, 2, and 3 are part of the first story arc, so to me, it seemed sensible to reconnect and have some sort of payoff.

And that will continue to be explored in the next several pages. Only 10 left... so excited!!!! I'll see you guys next week.


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