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Elon Musk is in the news, talking to the UN about autonomous weapons. This seems like a good time to explain one area where we don't quite agree about AI Safety.

[I've gone very clickbaity with this one, kind of as an experiment. This will not be my normal style of title :)
Also, because this video is about a very current news article, I can't afford to wait too long before I make it public, so this "early access" isn't as early as usual]


The REAL "Killer Robot Arms Race" Elon Musk should worry about

Elon Musk is in the news, talking to the UN about autonomous weapons. This seems like a good time to explain one area where we don't quite agree about AI Safety. The Article: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/killer-robots-arms-race-tesla-elon-musk-and-google-mustafa-suleyman-un-autonomous-weapons-a7903906.html The clip at 2:54 is from a Y Combinator interview: "Elon Musk : How to Build the Future": https://youtu.be/tnBQmEqBCY0 With thanks to my excellent Patreon supporters: https://www.patreon.com/robertskmiles Steef Sara Tjäder Jason Strack Chad Jones Ichiro Dohi Stefan Skiles Katie Byrne Ziyang Liu Jordan Medina Kyle Scott Jason Hise David Rasmussen James McCuen Richárd Nagyfi Ammar Mousali Scott Zockoll Joshua Richardson Fabian Consiglio Jonatan R Øystein Flygt Björn Mosten Michael Greve robertvanduursen The Guru Of Vision Fabrizio Pisani Alexander Hartvig Nielsen Volodymyr David Tjäder Paul Mason Ben Scanlon Julius Brash Mike Bird Taylor Winning Peggy Youell Konstantin Shabashov Almighty Dodd DGJono Matthias Meger Scott Stevens Emilio Alvarez Benjamin Aaron Degenhart Michael Ore Robert Bridges Dmitri Afanasjev Brian Sandberg Einar Ueland Lo Rez C3POehne Stephen Paul Marcel Ward Andrew Weir Pontus Carlsson Taylor Smith Ben Archer Ivan Pochesnev Scott McCarthy Kabs Kabs Phil Philip Alexander Christopher Tendayi Mawushe Gabriel Behm Anne Kohlbrenner Jake Fish Jennifer Autumn Latham Filip Bjorn Nyblad Stefan Laurie Tom O'Connor Krethys



Maybe also some cool AI posters in the back!

Andrew Weir

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